
Pokedex: a database of pokemon info and pictures

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokedex: a database of pokemon info and pictures

Project description


Thanks to pokeapi, you can use this app to view, search and filter pokemons. You can also see the bio, evolution of one specific pokemon by clicking the up right info button on every pokemon card. If you want to challenge your capacity of memorizing pokemons, you can play the "Guess who I am" game.

Homepage Homepage of the app

Detail of one Pokemon Detail Page of One Pokemon

Guess who i am Mini Game

Technologies Used

  1. Data-fetching
  • Axios is used to fetch data from pokeapi, when encounter tree data structure, I used recursive function to get the exact data i want(see the evolution part).
  • Debounce technique is used when implementing the search bar. The aim is to limit unnecessary API calls.
  1. React hooks
  • Custom Hook I created a custom pagination hook to implement module mindset. In this case, the homepage(explore.js) won't be too complicated.

  • useEffect Hook Navigating to a different router while the data is fetching may cause a memory leak due to the lifecycle of React component. So I added a isMounted flag for every useEffect fetch, to avoid rendering conflicts.

  • useReducer Hook In the mini-game part, whenever a button is clicked, multiple states change would be triggered, so I use useReducer to implement the Action-Dispatch-Store-View pattern.

  1. Performance
  • I set the width and height of <img> to avoid CLS problem.
  1. Styling
  • BEM methodology is used when naming the class.

Update Schedule

  • Responsive to mobile to be done

Live demo

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