
A Chinese Express status search app with Material Design.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This project is now maintained by fython and migrated to https://github.com/fython/PackageTracker.
This repoistry will no longer be updated.


A Material Design App which can help you check the latest status of express package.

一枚帮助你查询最新物流状态的 Material Design 应用。

快递信息API由'快递100'提供,@coderfox 抓包得到,由此产生的法律问题开发者均不负责。https://github.com/coderfox/YetAnotherExpressHelper

The logs of wearable edition 手表应用开发日志(然而并没有什么卵用)

2015/4/30: Moto 360 已入, 不知道什么时候会完成

Finished list 已完成

Swipe Tabs + Pager (https://github.com/google/iosched)

Floating Action Button (https://github.com/makovkastar/FloatingActionButton)

Swipe back gesture (https://github.com/ikew0ng/SwipeBackLayout)

Auto-hide toolbar (https://github.com/ksoichiro/Android-ObservableScrollView)

Reveal animation when opening the search activity (https://github.com/Quinny898/PersistentSearch)

Landscape layout for tablet (also available on phone)

Call to express carriers

Edit package name

Lollipop animations for CardView

Auto refresh hourly and send a nonfiction if status has been changed 自动定时刷新并于状态更新时通知用户

Allow users to search carriers in Traditional Chinese/English 允许用户使用繁体中文/英文搜索快递公司

TO-DO list 未完成的目标

More order ways 更多排序方式

Take or select a photo to recognize the mail number 拍照/选择图片后自动识别单号

Pull information from Taobao 从淘宝拉取快递信息

Mutli-select operations for RecyclerView 多选列表操作

Wearable edition 手表应用


@Harry-Chen committed some changes.

@Zhougu provided a API key, fixed the en_US translation.

@xxxifan provided a API key, committed 1 changes.

Contact me

Sina Weibo 新浪微博 : @某烧饼 http://weibo.com/fython QQ : 316643843 (zijin@feng.moe) Email 邮箱 : fython@163.com (Recommended, 这个我比较常用) fythonx@gmail.com


GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007

Copyright (C) 2015 Fython

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.