This project uses poetry for dependency and environment management.
Copy the config template to e.g. config.toml
and put your API keys in it.
Then run the bot with
poetry install poetry run python -m binancebot --config-file config.toml
Run the tests (such as they are) with
poetry run pytest
I use asyncio
and httpx
to parallelize requests against the binance API,
so it'd be worth going over a tutorial for python async programming before making contributions.
As far as I'm aware our use of the libraries is very straightforward.
I also use mypy and extensive type annotations, which again it would be worth becoming familiar with.
I use pre-commit to maintain code standards, and if you'd like to contribute you should too.
It'll autoformat your code and pick you up on trivial errors like missing imports
and less trivial errors like type mismatches.
The project layout is fairly straightforward:
defines an interface for a generic trading client, and contains the logic for making trades against it to keep a balanced portfolio. I've tried to keep this as generic as possible (mostly for clarity of thought), but some binance-specific stuff might have leaked anyway. I'm lazy.binancebot.binance
defines a client for the binance API that satisfies the interface.binancebot.__main__
loads the config, launches the client, sets up logging, etc. It also has a little bit of trading logic (setting the target distribution based on recent price movements) because I'm lazy.binancebot.server
defines a simple HTTP server that gives debug information about the bot. At some point I'll extend this to give yet more useful information, and maybe even show some pretty graphs.