Active Admin Multi-Upload


This is currently only working when the name of the attribute that the uploader is mounted on is called :image. I am looking into a fix for this now. Sorry!

Support for multiple image upload for a nested resource in ActiveAdmin

This gem was built to work with Carrierwave & ActiveAdmin, and is based on the excellent jquery-fileupload-system.

ActiveAdminMultiUpload is a version of jquery-fileupload-ui built to work with nested objects and ActiveAdmin 1.0. It supports all major features including file-previews and progress bars, and has been built so as to have the simplest implentation possible. It has been tested with Rails 4.0.2 and Ruby 2.1.0

Please Note: The current version of this software only includes support for nested associations (eg. and not standalone uploads. Feature will come in a future release.

Getting Started


This gem relies on Carrierwave to work. If you are unfamiliar with Carrierwave then I recommend have a look through it before using this gem. You can also check out This Railscast by Ryan Bates to help you get started.


Add the gem to your Gemfile

gem "active_admin_multi_upload"

Run bundle install.


For the sake of simplification for all examples below I am going to use the sample data.

  • Picture will be the model that has an uploader associated with its :image attribute
  • Gallery has many :pictures

You can also assume the @gallery refers to the current gallery that we are creating/editing.

Substitute these with your own models and associations

Run the generator

Run the generator on the Model with the Uploader mounted on it

rails g active_admin_multi_upload:resource Picture

Initialize the Uploader

In admin/picture.rb add the line allows_multi_upload(mounted_uploader: :<YOUR MOUNTED UPLOADER ATTRIBUTE NAME>)

e.g. allows_multi_upload(mounted_uploader: :image)

Allow the Params

In /admin/gallery.rb add permit_params picture_ids: []

Add the uploader

Within your form render the active_admin_multi_upload/upload_form

<%= f.inputs "Pictures" do %>
  <%= render "active_admin_multi_upload/upload_form", resource: @gallery, association: "pictures", attribute: "image" , options: {} %>
<% end %>

:resource is the Model variable.

:association is the associated objects as a string.

:attribute is the attribute of the associated object where the uploader is mounted.

:options is a hash where extra options can be passed in (see below).


At the moment the following options can be passed in to the above partial:

  • :existing_uploads - String. Used to define the existing association, in this case This defaults to :resource.:association so is normally not required.
  • :input_id_prefix - String. Used to dynamically set the id prefix of the inputs where files are uploaded. If left blank the default will include the name of the :resource, the :association, and the id of the file that is uploaded. eg. gallery_picture_ids_9
  • :input_name - String. Used to set the name of the file input. Usually set dynamically. In the example above would default to "picture[image]".
  • :post_url - String. Used to set a custom path a create action. Defaults to one set dynamically in the gem, and can cause problems if changed, so handle with care.
  • :uploaded_ids_form_input_name - String. Used for nested attributes. Defaults to "#{}[#{association.singularize}_ids][]"

All of these are optional, and sensible defaults are in place so that they should not be required. However they have been included for your customization.


0.0.2 -

Released with a small bug fix for multi-worded models

0.0.3 -

Released with the ability to have multiple upload fields within the one form.

FOUND BUG: It looks like this is currently only working when the uploader is mounted on an :image attribute. Looking into this now. Sorry, hope to have a fix out soon


Plans for future releases include:

  • Stand-alone uploads.

    Alowing for uploads of files not associated with anything else.

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.