
Examples from tutorial and other documentations of Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

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Build Status

Rust-examples is a repository to gather example codes from tutorial and other documentations of Rust into files, ready to compile.

Examples are tested with version 0.10-pre.


  • Homepage
    • what_it_looks_like.rs
  • Tutorial
    • 2.1 Compiling your first program: tutorial-02_1-hello.rs
    • 3 Syntax basics: tutorial-03-syntax_basics.rs
    • 4.2 Pattern matching: tutorial-04_2-pattern-matching.rs
    • 4.3 Loops (for, while, loop): tutorial-04_3-loops.rs
    • 5.1 Structs: tutorial-05_1-structs.rs
    • 5.2 Enums: tutorial-05_2-enum.rs
    • 5.3 Tuples: tutorial-05_3-tuples.rs
    • 15 Closures: tutorial-15-closure.rs
    • 15.3 Do syntax: tutorial-15_3-do.rs
    • 16 Methods, with constructor: tutorial-16-methods.rs
    • 17 Generics: tutorial-17-generics.rs
  • Rust Tasks and Communication
    • 2 Basics: tutorial-tasks-02-basics.rs
    • 2.1 Communication: tutorial-tasks-02_1-communication.rs
    • 2.2 Backgrounding computations: Futures: tutorial-tasks-02_2-backgrounding_computations.rs
  • Doc unit testing
    • Unit testing in Rust: unittests.rs
  • API
  • Some new files:
    • Makefile to compile, run tests and run benchmarks
    • .travis.yml to add the repository to Travis CI and Rust CI
    • A library and its unit tests and benchmarks for 2 Fibonacci functions (a reccursive and a non reccursive): fibonacci.rs
    • A struct to manage dates: date.rs
    • A struct to manage INI files: inifile.rs
    • Design pattern Decorator: design_pattern-decorator.rs

Compile and running it

You will need the version 0.10-pre of the rust compiler. If you encounter problems, make sure you have the right version before creating an issue.

The simplest way to build rust-examples is to do a clone and use make to compile:

git clone https://github.com/eliovir/rust-examples
cd rust-examples

To run tests and benchmarks:

make tests
make bench

To get help on commands:

make help


  1. Fork it (git clone https://github.com/eliovir/rust-examples)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Make your changes, and add tests for them
  4. Test your changes (make test)
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new Pull Request


Rust is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), with portions covered by various BSD-like licenses.

These codes are distributed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for details.