
Elixir service to find cities by name or coordinates

Primary LanguageElixir


ChercheVille is an Elixir service allowing to search cities based on data from GeoNames.

Documentation: https://hexdocs.pm/chercheville/

Build Status Coverage Status

Running with Docker

We provide a Docker image and a docker-compose.yml file so you may quickly try this app by cloning the repository and typing:

$ docker-compose up

The service should be availble at http://localhost:5000/

Then to import data into the database you have to call a an Elixir function, providing it a list of country codes as argument.

For example, to import data for France, Belgium and Spain:

$ docker exec -ti chercheville_app_1 ./bin/chercheville rpc 'ChercheVille.SeedData.import_data(["FR", "BE", "ES"])'

Development installation

Preparing the database

ChercheVille requires PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension installed.

Configure database access in config/config.exs:

config :chercheville, ChercheVille.Repo,
  adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres,
  types: ChercheVille.PostgresTypes,
  database: "cities",
  username: "my_username",
  password: "my_password",
  hostname: "localhost"
config :chercheville, ecto_repos: [ChercheVille.Repo]

Update your database schema. This will add a table named cities:

$ mix ecto.migrate

A couple of mix tasks are available to populate the database. Each task takes a list of country codes as arguments.

Importing data

To import data from geonames.org into our database:

$ mix chercheville.import_data FR BE ES

Starting web service

Start the web server:

mix run --no-halt

Then visiting the http://localhost:4000 should show a list of available endpoints.

Calling Elixir functions directly

Two search functions are available. Textual search with ChercheVille.Search.text/1 and spatial search with ChercheVille.Search.coordinates/2.

Note that you can start the application with an interactive shell using:

iex -S mix run --no-halt

Textual search example


Spatial search example

ChercheVille.Search.coordinates(43.6, 1.44)

Running tests

In order to run tests you'll need to create the cities_test database with the same extensions as the dev database (see Preparing the database) and run the migrations in the test environment:

$ MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.migrate
$ mix test

Building the Docker image

You should be able to build the Docker image like this:

$ docker build -t chercheville .

Then you can tag it and push it to Dockerhub:

$ docker tag chercheville:latest weatherforce/chercheville
$ docker push weatherforce/chercheville

This Docker packaging has been largely inspired by these articles, which you may want to read for background info: