
Get video info from youtube and vimeo url.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

VideoInfo Build Status

Small Ruby Gem to get video info from youtube and vimeo url. Tested against Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, REE and the latest versions of JRuby & Rubinius.


  gem install video_info


  video = VideoInfo.new("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZqGqE0D0n4")
  # video.video_id         => "mZqGqE0D0n4"
  # video.provider         => "YouTube"
  # video.title            => "Cherry Bloom - King Of The Knife"
  # video.description      => "The first video from the upcoming album Secret Sounds, to download in-stores April 14. Checkout http://www.cherrybloom.net"
  # video.keywords         => "alternative, bloom, cherry, clip, drum, guitar, king, knife, of, Paris-Forum, rock, the, tremplin"
  # video.duration         => 175 (in seconds)
  # video.date             => Sat Apr 12 22:25:35 UTC 2008
  # video.thumbnail_small  => "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/mZqGqE0D0n4/2.jpg"
  # video.thumbnail_large  => "http://i.ytimg.com/vi/mZqGqE0D0n4/0.jpg"
  video = VideoInfo.new("http://vimeo.com/898029")
  # video.video_id         => "898029"
  # video.provider         => "Vimeo"
  # video.title            => "Cherry Bloom - King Of The Knife"
  # video.description      => "The first video from the upcoming album Secret Sounds, to download in-stores April 14. Checkout http://www.cherrybloom.net"
  # video.keywords         => "alternative, bloom, cherry, clip, drum, guitar, king, knife, of, Paris-Forum, rock, the, tremplin"
  # video.duration         => 175 (in seconds)
  # video.date             => Mon Apr 14 13:10:39 +0200 2008
  # video.width            => 640
  # video.height           => 360
  # video.thumbnail_small  => "http://ts.vimeo.com.s3.amazonaws.com/343/731/34373130_100.jpg"
  # video.thumbnail_large  => "http://ts.vimeo.com.s3.amazonaws.com/343/731/34373130_640.jpg"
  video = VideoInfo.new("http://badurl.com/898029")
  # video.valid? => false


  video = VideoInfo.new("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZqGqE0D0n4", "User-Agent" => "My Youtube Mashup Robot/1.0")
  video = VideoInfo.new("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZqGqE0D0n4", "Referer"    => "http://my-youtube-mashup.com/")
  video = VideoInfo.new("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZqGqE0D0n4", "Referer"    => "http://my-youtube-mashup.com/",
                                                                      "User-Agent" => "My Youtube Mashup Robot/1.0")

You can also use symbols instead of strings (any non-word (/[^a-z]/i) character would be converted to hyphen).

  video = VideoInfo.new("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZqGqE0D0n4", :referer    => "http://my-youtube-mashup.com/",
                                                                      :user_agent => "My Youtube Mashup Robot/1.0")

User-Agent when empty defaults to "VideoInfo/VERSION" - where version is current VideoInfo version, e.g. "VideoInfo/0.2.7".

It supports all openURI header fields (options), for more information see: openURI DOCS


Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil (@thibaudgg)