- abduld
- adk9
- Agyar
- apokayiIBM Research
- ben-albrecht@Google
- cinterloperInternet
- cotiÉTS
- ehsantnBodo
- fredcoudercCNRS, Toulouse Mathematics Institute
- fsaintjacquesMontréal, Québec
- hkaiser
- inparallelShopify
- jlothian
- kempj
- khuckUniversity of Oregon
- lukeolsonChampaign, IL
- marcinz
- mprobsonSmith College
- mywoodstockTenstorrent
- naveen-rnCray, Inc.
- nchaimov@ParaToolsInc
- nelsonjeMicrosoft Research
- nimblemachineNimbleMachine
- otreborZurich, Switzerland
- poulsonRidgewood, NY
- rbuch@UIUC-PPL
- rvuducGeorgia Institute of Technology
- sankl
- sarats@ORNL
- scopatzChicago, IL
- sidjanaIntel; EE HPC WG
- SnowHammer
- tgamblin@LLNL
- ulfhanebutteSeattle, WA
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc