
Documentation for the Paradex.io public API

Note: This API is now deprecated. For documentation on the new API, please see see https://developers.paradex.io

Paradex Consumer API



Sending Requests


Placing and Signing Orders

Order Expiry



Paradex Consumer API



For mainnet, use the following base url:


You can request an API key at https://paradex.io/developers


For kovan, use:


You can request an API key at https://kovan.paradex.io/developers

Sending Requests

To access the API you need a valid API key. All endpoints require your API key to be sent in the header of every request.

API-KEY: odxnkc39oenis239p88geuth4p7fkbic

There are two types of endpoints in the Paradex Consumer API: public and private. While both require a valid API key, private endpoints return sensitive trading or order activity for that ethereum account and have additional checks in place to ensure account security.

All private endpoints are POST requests which require you to sign the payload using the ethereum account associated with your API key. The API will only allow you to perform actions relating to this ethereum account. The resultant signature should be sent in the header of the request using the API-SIG header. A nonce is also included in the payload to ensure requests can't be harvested and replayed. For new API accounts the nonce is set to 0, and every request must contain an integer nonce greater than the nonce used in the last request. The nonce is incremented even if the request was not successful. The only actions that do not result in the nonce being incremented are an invalid API key or an invalid nonce.

Signing the payload of requests

Given the following POST parameters:

    market: 'REP/WETH'
    state: 'all'
    nonce: 1234567

We create a payload message by ordering the payload by the keys then concatenating the keys together, followed by the values for those keys concatenated together. Please note this message contains the "Ethereum Signed Message:" prefix along with the length of the message. So for the above payload, we'd get the following payload message:

'\u0019Ethereum Signed Message:\n34marketnoncestateREP/WETH1234567all'

Depending on the language and library that you are using to hash the message, the prefix might be automatically added to the string you are passing in, so make sure that it isn't getting added twice. If the library you're using does automatically add in the prefix then the payload message to pass into the hash function would be


This message is then hashed using Keccak-256 and signed by the private key for the ethereum account to produce a vrs signature which we include in the API-SIG header of the request. The API-SIG is constructed by concatenating the r + s + v values together in that order. A typescript example of the signing process is included here for reference:

import * as utils from "ethereumjs-util"

let payload = {
    market: 'REP/WETH'
    state: 'all'
    nonce: 1234567

let message = createMessage(payload); // returns 'marketnoncestateREP/WETH1234567all'

let privateKey = '0xabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabca';

let sha = utils.hashPersonalMessage(Buffer.from(message));
let signature = utils.ecsign(sha, utils.toBuffer(privateKey));
let APISIG = utils.toRpcSig(signature.v, signature.r, signature.s);

function createMessage(payload) {
    let keys = Object.keys(payload).sort();
    let message = keys.join("");
    for (let key of keys) {
        message += payload[key];
    return message

This produces the signature 0xa5539969aad2a815ac40b961e1fde9f5c12f60cff9b0fb140a90e581339698020202cde14a9ef9fc8d027fc0d3e99ca026570ee5fd10d70e041a9d1b5dbdb29401


Paradex is a non-custodial platform. This means you retain complete control of your funds and they stay in your own wallet until a trade takes place. As such, there is no way to deposit or withdraw funds to or from Paradex. Assets can be moved in and out of your wallet either programmatically or via an application. You will need to wrap Ether and set allowances for tokens you want to offer.

Wrapping ETH and Setting Allowances

The ERC20 standard was created to provide a common interface for tokens. Ether is not currently an ERC20 token and has to be converted to an ERC20 compatible token called Wrapped-ETH (WETH). This conversion process is called wrapping, with 1 WETH being equivalent to 1 ETH. Another feature of ERC20 tokens is allowances. Allowances allow you to control how much of your funds can be transferred out of your wallet by the 0x contracts used by Paradex. By default your allowances are set to 0, so before you begin trading you'll need to set allowances for your tokens. Even once you have set your allowances set, no funds can be transferred out of your account without you putting a valid order on the orderbook. If you try and place an order to Paradex without setting an allowance for that token, your order will be in an unfunded state. If you want to set allowances programmatically, the 0x.js library provides some convenience methods to help you do that: https://www.0xproject.com/docs/0xjs#token

Placing and Signing Orders

To place orders on the book that can then be sent to the 0x contracts to be traded when matched you have to submit a signed order (zrxOrder). This is slightly different from the payload signing process described above. When placing requests to the order endpoint, you have to go through both signing processes as they maintain security at different points in the system. Signing the payload message proves to the Paradex API that you control the account you are sending orders for while signing the order itself gives authority to the 0x contract to settle your order.

To get the correct parameters for a zrxOrder object we have a convenience method orderParams that returns a zrxOrder object and a fees object. The fees object tells you what fees your order will incur if traded. For transparency fees are split into two parts: baseFeeDecimal and tradingFeeDecimal. The baseFeeDecimal is the gas cost to execute the trade(s) while the tradingFee is the commission on the trade. Fees are proportional to the amount of your total order that get's filled. For example, if only 50% of your order gets filled you will only pay 50% of the fees quoted. Once issued fee quotes are valid for 30 minutes.

To call the orderParams endpoint you need to submit the following:

market - symbol of market
orderType - 'buy'|'sell'
price - price in quote currency
amount - amount of base currency
expirationDate - expiration date and time of order in ISO 8601 format

There are some important details regarding the expirationDate. For more info please see the order expiry section below)

Once you have a zrxOrder to sign and a fee quote you can start the order submission process. First, you need to sign the zrxOrder. Here's an example of signing the zrxOrder and adding the correct fields to the order to allow it to be submitted to the order endpoint. Once you have the full signed order it should go through the same payload signing process required by the other endpoints.

import BN = require('bn.js');
import { utils } from '0x.js/lib/src/utils/utils'
import * as ethUtil from "ethereumjs-util"

let privateKey = '0xabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabca'
// get orderParams from orderParams endpoint in paradex apx
let orderParams = {.....} // data returned from orderParams endpoint

let hashHex = utils.getOrderHashHex(orderParams.zrxOrder);
let hashHexBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(hashHex);
let prefix = ethUtil.toBuffer('\u0019Ethereum Signed Message:\n32');
let hashedHash = ethUtil.sha3(Buffer.concat([prefix, hashHexBuffer]));
let signature = ethUtil.ecsign(hashedHash, ethUtil.toBuffer(privateKey));

let signedOrder = orderParams.zrxOrder;
signedOrder['v'] = signature.v;
signedOrder['r'] = ethUtil.bufferToHex(signature.r);
signedOrder['s'] = ethUtil.bufferToHex(signature.s);
signedOrder['feeId'] = orderParams.fee.id;

Order expiry

All orders must have a valid expiration date. Min and max expiration times may change based on a number of factors like transaction backlogs and network conditions. You can look up the min and max expiration times by calling the /v0/expirations endpoint.

The expiration date is the date that the order remains valid to be processed by the 0x contracts on the blockchain. To allow for enough time between trade broadcast and settlement on ethereum, an order will only remain valid on the Paradex orderbook if it has at least minExpirationMinutes minutes until its expiration. Therefore if you want an order to appear on the orderbook for 1 minute, you would set the expirationDate to be now() + minExpirationMinutes + 1 minute. Our goal is to eliminate settlement failures where an order reaches its expiration time while sitting in the pending tx pool waiting to be mined.

You are of course free te set your expirations further in the future and cancel the order for free at any time. Specific details about your order's TTL will be returned to you in the fee object that is returned to you with v0/orderParams.


The consumer API will return an HTTP 200 response for most requests. The returned data should be checked for the presence of an error field which indicates that there was a problem processing your request. An example error response is shown below:

    error: { 
        code: 100,
        reason: 'Validation Failed',
        validationErrors: [ 
            { field: 'id', code: 1000, reason: 'id is required' },

All error responses have code and reason properties. Additionally, validation errors contain an array of the fields that have failed validation. Incorrect nonce errors return the current nonce. Here are the current consumer API error codes:

Error Code Reason
100 Validation failed
101 Malformed JSON
104 Invalid API key
105 Invalid ethereum address
106 Invalid signature
107 Invalid nonce
108 Server Error
109 Exceeded max decimal places
110 Unviable: Order fees exceed order value
111 Region is read-only
112 Market is suspended
113 Unverified API Key

Aside from HTTP 200 responses the following HTTP error codes are used by the consumer API.

HTTP Code Reason
404 Url not found or request type not supported
429 Too many requests - Rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error


  • All requests and responses are of application/json content type
  • All addresses are sent as lower-case (non-checksummed) Ethereum addresses with the 0x prefix.
  • Before you can use your API key, you must first prove you own the ethereum address by registering it with the /verifyAddress endpoint.

Paradex Consumer API

GET /v0/nonce

public endpoint

Returns your current nonce:

    nonce: 0

GET /v0/verifyAddress

private endpoint

Proves that you are control the private key associated with the API key that you requested. You only need to call this once.

{ "success": true }

GET /v0/expirations

public endpoint

Returns current min and max expiration time allowed for orders. These values should be considered dynamic and may change with network conditions. The fee object returned from orderParams will also convey this expiration information, as it will give you an estimate of when your order will be pruned from the book:

    minExpirationMinutes: 5,
    maxExpirationMinutes: 21600

GET /v0/tokens

public endpoint

Returns a list of token addresses and their corresponding symbol:

        name: 'Wrapped Ether',
        symbol: 'WETH',
        address: '0xd0a1e359811322d97991e03f863a0c30c2cf029c'

GET /v0/markets

public endpoint

Returns a list of markets:

        id: '1',
        symbol: 'ZRX/WETH',
        baseToken: 'ZRX',
        quoteToken: 'WETH',
        minOrderSize: '0.001',
        maxOrderSize: '10000',
        priceMaxDecimals: 5,
        amountMaxDecimals: 6

GET /v0/ohlcv

public endpoint

Reruns OHLCV data:


  • market - Symbol of a market
  • period - '1m'|'5m'|'15m'|'1h'|'6h'|'1d'
  • amount - (Int) How many candles to be returned
        high: '0.710000000000000000',
        date: '2017-11-21T18:00:00Z',
        volume: '0.760000000000000000000000000000000000',
        low: '0.500000000000000000',
        open: '0.500000000000000000',
        close: '0.710000000000000000'

GET /v0/ticker

public endpoint

Returns ticker data for a market:


  • market - Symbol of a market
    bid: '0.004'
    ask: '0.005'
    last: '0.0045'

GET /v0/orderbook

public endpoint

Returns the order book for a given market. The orderbook representation merges orders of the same value to show the overall volume at each value:


  • market - Symbol of a market
    marketId: 1,
    marketSymbol: 'REP/ETH',
        { amount: '300', price: '0.004' },
        { amount: '440', price: '0.003' },
        { amount: '500', price: '0.002' },
        { amount: '200', price: '0.005' },
        { amount: '360', price: '0.006' },
        { amount: '445', price: '0.007' },

POST /v0/orders

public endpoint

Returns the user's orders:


  • market - Symbol of a market
  • state - 'all'|'unknown'|'open'|'expired'|'filled'|'unfunded'|'cancelled'
        orderParams: {
            exchangeContractAddress: '0x12459c951127e0c374ff9105dda097662a027093',
            maker: '0x9e56625509c2f60af937f23b7b532600390e8c8b',
            taker: '0xa2b31dacf30a9c50ca473337c01d8a201ae33e32',
            makerTokenAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
            takerTokenAddress: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
            feeRecipient: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
            makerTokenAmount: '10000000000000000',
            takerTokenAmount: '20000000000000000',
            makerFee: '0',
            takerFee: '0',
            expirationUnixTimestampSec: '1518124088',
            salt: 67006738228878699843088602623665307406148487219438534730168799356281242528500,
            ecSignature: {
                v: 27,
                r: '0x61a3ed31b43c8780e905a260a35faefcc527be7516aa11c0256729b5b351bc33',
                s: '0x40349190569279751135161d22529dc25add4f6069af05be04cacbda2ace2254'
        id: 3423,
        price: '0.078',
        amount: '100',
        type: 'buy'|'sell',
        market: 'REP/WETH',
        orderHash: 'b41664ebbb46b42fbf32fdce8be3c8df66f354a93dd272e62421e4573a8945d8',
        state: 'unknown'|'open'|'expired'|'filled'|'unfunded'|'cancelled',
        amountRemaining: '75',
        closedAt: None,
        expiresAt: '2017-11-01T21:24:20Z'

POST /v0/viewOrder

public endpoint


  • id - id of the order to view

Returns information about the order identified by the orderId passed in the url:

    orderParams: {
        exchangeContractAddress: '0x12459c951127e0c374ff9105dda097662a027093',
        maker: '0x9e56625509c2f60af937f23b7b532600390e8c8b',
        taker: '0xa2b31dacf30a9c50ca473337c01d8a201ae33e32',
        makerTokenAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
        takerTokenAddress: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
        feeRecipient: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
        makerTokenAmount: '10000000000000000',
        takerTokenAmount: '20000000000000000',
        makerFee: '0',
        takerFee: '0',
        expirationUnixTimestampSec: '1518124088',
        salt: '67006738228878699843088602623665307406148487219438534730168799356281242528500',
        ecSignature: {
            v: 27,
            r: '0x61a3ed31b43c8780e905a260a35faefcc527be7516aa11c0256729b5b351bc33',
            s: '0x40349190569279751135161d22529dc25add4f6069af05be04cacbda2ace2254'
    id: 3423,
    price: '0.078',
    amount: '100',
    type: 'buy'|'sell',
    market: 'REP/WETH',
    orderHash: 'b41664ebbb46b42fbf32fdce8be3c8df66f354a93dd272e62421e4573a8945d8',
    state: 'unknown'|'open'|'expired'|'filled'|'unfunded'|'cancelled',
    amountRemaining: '75',
    closedAt: None,
    expiresAt: '2017-11-01T21:24:20Z'

POST /v0/viewOrderTrades

public endpoint


  • id - id of the order whose trades you want to view

Returns trades and corresponding price adjustments connected with the order identified by the orderId passed in the url:

        id: 2, 
        state: 'pending',
        type: 'buy'|'sell',
        amount: '10.236319460000000000',
        price: '0.073249280000000000',
        baseToken: 'REP',
        quoteToken: 'ETH',
        txHash: None,
        completedAt: None,
        baseFee: '',
        tradingFee: '',
        netAmount: '10.236319460000000000',
        priceAdjustments: []
        id: 1, 
        state: 'confirmed',
        type: 'buy'|'sell',
        amount: '0.011986460000000000', 
        price: '0.073249280000000000', 
        baseToken: 'REP', 
        quoteToken: 'ETH', 
        txHash: '0x1234567891234567891234567890000',
        completedAt: '2017-11-14T23:15:18Z',
        baseFee: '',
        tradingFee: '',
        netAmount: '0.011986460000000000',
        priceAdjustments: [
                id: 2, 
                state: 'pending', 
                token: 'REP', 
                amount: '2.000000000000000000', 
                completedAt: None, 
                txHash: '0x234',
                feeAdjustment: '0E-18',
                netAmount: '2.000000000000000000'
                id: 1, 
                state: 'confirmed', 
                token: 'REP', 
                amount: '12.000000000000000000', 
                completedAt: '2017-11-14T23:15:18Z', 
                txHash: '0x23',
                feeAdjustment: '0E-18',
                netAmount: '12.000000000000000000'

POST /v0/trades

public endpoint

Returns the users trades:


  • market - Symbol of a market
            id: 2, 
            state: 'pending',
            type: 'buy'|'sell',
            amount: '10.236319460000000000',
            price: '0.073249280000000000',
            baseToken: 'REP',
            quoteToken: 'ETH',
            txHash: None,
            createdAt: "2018-03-09T02:50:27Z"
            completedAt: None,
            baseFee: '',
            tradingFee: '',
            netAmount: '10.236319460000000000',
            priceAdjustments: []
            id: 1, 
            state: 'confirmed',
            type: 'buy'|'sell',
            amount: '0.011986460000000000', 
            price: '0.073249280000000000', 
            baseToken: 'REP', 
            quoteToken: 'ETH', 
            txHash: '0x1234567891234567891234567890000',
            createdAt: "2018-03-09T02:50:27Z"
            completedAt: '2017-11-14T23:15:18Z',
            baseFee: '',
            tradingFee: '',
            netAmount: '0.011986460000000000',
            priceAdjustments: [
                    id: 2, 
                    state: 'pending', 
                    token: 'REP', 
                    amount: '2.000000000000000000', 
                    completedAt: None, 
                    txHash: '0x234'
                    feeAdjustment: '0E-18',
                    netAmount: '12.000000000000000000'
                    id: 1, 
                    state: 'confirmed', 
                    token: 'REP', 
                    amount: '12.000000000000000000', 
                    completedAt: '2017-11-14T23:15:18Z', 
                    txHash: '0x23',
                    feeAdjustment: '0E-18',
                    netAmount: '12.000000000000000000'

POST /v0/balances

public endpoint

Returns the users balances:

        id: 1
        name: 'REP'
        symbol: 'REP'
        balance: '1234'
        allowance: '1201'

POST /v0/orderParams

private endpoint

Create an unsigned 0x compatible order:


  • market - Symbol of a market
  • orderType - 'buy'|'sell'
  • price - price in quote currency
  • amount - amount of base currency
  • expirationDate - expiration date and time of order in ISO 8601 format

The expirationDate format is 2017-11-21T18:00:00Z A valid expirationDate needs to be between now() + min_expiration and now() + max_expiration. Min/max expiration can be obtained by calling the /v0/expirations endpoint.


fee: { 
    id: 'b046140686d052fff581f63f8136cce1',
    baseFeeDecimal: '1.697552694864903098033668128',
    tradingFeeDecimal: '21.21940868581128872542085161',
    secundsUntilPrune: 60,
    pruneUnixTimeStamp: 2017-11-21T18:00:00Z
zrxOrder: {
    exchangeContractAddress: '0x12459c951127e0c374ff9105dda097662a027093',
    expirationUnixTimestampSec: '1518124088',
    feeRecipient: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    maker: '0x9e56625509c2f60af937f23b7b532600390e8c8b',
    makerFee: '0',
    makerTokenAddress: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
    makerTokenAmount: '22000000000000000',
    salt: '54515451557974875123697849345751275676157243756715784155226239582178',
    taker: '0xa2b31dacf30a9c50ca473337c01d8a201ae33e32',
    takerFee: '0',
    takerTokenAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
    takerTokenAmount: '10000000000000000',

Note that on the fee object returned, it includes the approximate number of seconds that this order will live on the book for, and the approximate timestamp that this order will be pruned.

POST /v0/order

private endpoint

Creates an order on Paradex by posting a signed 0x compatible order. To get a compatible unsigned order, see the zrxOrder object returned by POST /v0/orderParams The zrxOrder must be signed and the resultant vrs added to the order submission. The feeId in the order submission is also returned in the v0/orderParams endpoint in the fee object.


    exchangeContractAddress: '0x12459c951127e0c374ff9105dda097662a027093',
    expirationUnixTimestampSec: '1518124088',
    feeRecipient: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    maker: '0x9e56625509c2f60af937f23b7b532600390e8c8b',
    makerFee: '0',
    makerTokenAddress: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
    makerTokenAmount: '22000000000000000',
    salt: '54515451557974875123697849345751275676157243756715784155226239582178',
    taker: '0xa2b31dacf30a9c50ca473337c01d8a201ae33e32',
    takerFee: '0',
    takerTokenAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
    takerTokenAmount: '10000000000000000',
    v: 27,
    r: '0x61a3ed31b43c8780e905a260a35faefcc527be7516aa11c0256729b5b351bc33',
    s: '0x40349190569279751135161d22529dc25add4f6069af05be04cacbda2ace2254'
    feeId: hexString


    status: True,
    id: 23425

POST /v0/orderCancel

private endpoint

Cancels an order:


  • id - id of the order you want to cancel


    status: true|false

GET /v0/tradeHistory

public endpoint

Gets trade history for a market:


  • market - Symbol of a market
  • page - optional. page of results (default 1)
  • per_page - optional. number of results per page (default 10, max 100)
  • since - optional. ISO 8601 start date (e.g., 2018-03-07T16:31:27Z)


   count: 10,
   trades: [
        "id": 2825,
        "created": "2018-03-14T22:19:48Z",
        "completed": "2018-03-14T22:21:05Z",
        "type": "sell",
        "price": "0.0275",
        "amount": "25",
        "total": "0.6875",
        "market": "NMR/WETH",
        "state": "confirmed"
        "id": 2139,
        "created": "2018-03-09T02:50:27Z",
        "completed": "2018-03-09T02:51:46Z",
        "type": "sell",
        "price": "0.033",
        "amount": "10",
        "total": "0.33",
        "market": "NMR/WETH",
        "state": "confirmed"