
Vision target tracking code for the Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageC++


Destination Deep Space Vision target tracking code for the Raspberry Pi


Install latest version of FRCVision
	This Raspbian-based Raspberry Pi image includes C++, Java, and Python libraries required for vision coprocessor development for FRC (e.g. opencv, cscore, ntcore, robotpy-cscore, Java 11, etc).
	Step by step instructions here:

Boot the Pi and connect to the laptop
On the laptop do the following:
	Download and install Putty (https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html)
	Download and install WinSCP (https://winscp.net/eng/index.php)
	Open command prompt
	run "ping frcvision.local"
	If you get response in packets then that means the Pi is connected properly
	Log into Putty using frcvision.local port 22 using SSH (not Telnet)
	If warning for data breach shows up, answer yes
	Log into the pi with username pi and password raspberry 
	Run WinScp
	Connect to frcvision.local
In at the frcvision.local site created by the pi do the following:
	Open Vision Settings
	Set the team number to 1259
	Delete the Pi Cam from the execution routine
In the Putty SSH shell execute the following:
	sudo raspi-config:
		Change keyboard settings to U.S
		Change local and time zone to central
		Locate and enable ssh and camera
		Exit out of configuration and reboot using sudo shutdown -r now
	Set the file system to read/write if the promt ends with (ro):
		become the super user withsudo -s
		cd etc
		remount the file system with mount -o remount rw /
		edit the fstab file with nano fstab
			change ...defaults.ro.noatime
			to           ...defaults.rw.noatime
		change /boot to read/write too
		reboot using sudo shutdown -r now
		the promt should now end with (rw):
Avoid corrupting the SD card; before powering down the Pi, halt the OS with sudo shutdown -h now

If you need to edit frc.json file:
	Login to Putty and sign in as pi
	Type the command: sudo su #to become the superuser permanently until exit command is typed in 
	Create a copy of the file and store in the home/pi directory by the following command: cp frc.json /home/pi/
	Go to /home/pi/ and run the following command to check ownership of the copied file: ls -l
	If root owns it, change ownership by the following command: chown pi:pi frc.json
	Edit the file
	After editing, move the file to the boot directory through the following command: sudo mv frc.json /boot/ # sudo in case you may not have permission to transfer
Use the following commands for new pi setup:
	Copy the file by moving to the directory where the underscores are "/" and add one in the beginning
	Copy both the .network file and the .service
	sudo systemctl enable Vision2019
	sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd
	chmod run.sh AND VisionProcessingTest