
Node | Express | TypeScript | PostgreSQL (SQL): alternative TypeScript version of the original C# backend

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Backend (NodeJS with TypeScript) to the HomeWorked, frontend found here: https://github.com/ParadigmZero/HomeWorkedFrontend

In progress.

This is a re-working of the original C# .NET Core project, it is designed to do exactly the same thing: https://github.com/ParadigmZero/HomeWorkedBackend

Plus some added quality of life features for developers.

S3 bucket and object setup info here: https://github.com/ParadigmZero/homeworked-terraform-iac


Node/npm must be installed first.

( Optional: recommended to have Node Version Manager installed, so you can run the following step: nvm use )

Install all the necessary packages (from project root directory)

npm i


npm run start

or for development (watches code changes with Nodemon):

npm run dev

By default it will accessible at:


API docs/testing

API docs will be at:


Database info

Local Docker database setup

A local PostgreSQL database and sample data can be spun up with Docker. You will need Docker installed.

Spin up database container and entry sample data (see ./db/dump.sql):

npm run dbup

Spin-down database container:

npm run dbdown

If in need of an additional tool you can uncomment adminer in the docker-compose.yaml and use it to explore the Docker database.

Setting up environmental variables for another database source

If using the local Docker database you do not need to do anything extra, as the connection info is contained in the .env.defaults file. If you are using another source, create a .env file and over-ride the defaults as needed (use .env.defaults as your guide).

Tips for setting up your database from another source

If you want to setup up your own database use ./db/dump.sql for assistance on making the correct tables within your database.

I have used a free tier of ElephantSQL for deployment. If you also choose to use this service here are some tips on getting the correct data:

HOST= DATABASE=<default database, same value as user> PORT=5432

On the ElephantSQL portal you can easily use the "BROWSER" to setup your database (and query it directly) .