
React | Node | JavaScript: How to do an Amazon AWS S3 file upload in REACT example. Simply browse for your file and then click to upload, the console will log back the url. Enter your own user secrets for your own AWS S3 bucket in a .env file

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A deliberately simple example of a file upload to an Amazon AWS S3 bucket in REACT JS.

The purpose of this example is to simply upload to AWS S3 and return a URL for that file back.

This uses the react-s3 library.


You will need Node and npm installed.

Run: npm i


npm start

Environmental variables for AWS S3 upload

You will need to input the following environmental variables into a .env file ( root directory).

These relate to an Amazon AWS S3 bucket. For security reasons these cannot be given, and you will need to create your own.

(Place them after the = sign )