- 1
Missing TFE post-Roman cultures
#571 opened by RogerWiilco - 0
Add support for CK3 AEP mod
#569 opened by IhateTrains - 0
Defining HRE as a custom title
#560 opened by HerrscherCH - 1
tag_mappings.txt doesn't work.
#551 opened by yu-zhengzheng - 0
Fix unraveller so it cleans up nested codes
#534 opened by Zemurin - 1
Suggestion: Add compatibilty with Fallen Eagle Mod
#539 opened by yhanruzai - 1
No ideas for default cultures
#510 opened by dnarik - 0
- 0
- 0
- 3
Export CK3 titles for EU4-to-Vic3 converter
#283 opened by IohannesIohannium - 1
Change Nestorian holy sites [currently use Coptic holy sites as in PDS' converter]
#318 opened by TinWiz - 3
Loc export for other languages for Vic3
#338 opened by IohannesIohannium - 1
Crash on converting flags
#284 opened by Idhrendur - 2
Revolutionary flag scripting
#276 opened by IohannesIohannium - 6
Country adjectives in French
#184 opened by IohannesIohannium - 0
ImpCK3 Culture mappings to revise
#248 opened by IohannesIohannium - 1
Compatibility with mod "East Asia Reboot"
#238 opened by IohannesIohannium - 3
- 1
Adjust HLR to whatever we split
#107 opened by Zemurin - 1
EU4::Country tests.
#43 opened by Zemurin - 2
Fix reforms
#41 opened by Zemurin - 4
Interesting inheritance cases to consider
#158 opened by IohannesIohannium - 1
Non-1252 chars
#71 opened by IohannesIohannium - 3
- 1
- 1
Delegate province sanity checks
#26 opened by Zemurin - 1
Drop dump of iron
#42 opened by Zemurin - 0
- 2
Custom HRE name
#195 opened by WilhelmStein - 1
All provinces convert as ‘state’ in EU4
#206 opened by Nyarukocqc - 0
- 0
Sunni and Shia schools of law mappings
#154 opened by IohannesIohannium - 3
Opening religon tab cause CTD when using Reformed Religion/Custom heresy created in CK3
#176 opened by Finley-Williams - 1
Coat of arms into image files
#172 opened by IohannesIohannium - 1
Check and update customizable_localization
#128 opened by IohannesIohannium - 0
Traits mappings
#7 opened by IohannesIohannium - 0
On the savegame
#8 opened by IohannesIohannium - 0
Province mappings
#6 opened by IohannesIohannium