A bug-free and improved implementation of LLaVA-UHD, based on the code from the official repo
- Andrew-Zhang
- bokesyo@OpenBMB
- CoobiwPeking University
- Cuiunbo
- DesarguesCHangzhou Dianzi University
- feiyilicare
- GaiZhenbiaoHDU
- gordonhu608UCLA
- huyhoang17HUST
- Jackie123213
- jhyeom1545Korea
- JianqiangWan
- jweiheInstitute of Computing Technology, CAS
- lansmurf
- laserwavehorizon robotics
- Luo-Z13Wuhan University
- MaxlinnNLP@Tencent AI Lab, TEG
- Natyren
- Reloof
- sangminwooKAIST
- sibosutdSingapore University of Technology and Design
- Sootung
- taesiriPlanet Mars
- TobiasLeePhD student@HKU. Previously MSc Student@LANCO-PKU
- WeihuangLinXiamen University, MAC
- wmzfighting
- xing0047Zhejiang University, Nanyang Technological University
- xtyrrellCape Town, South Africa
- xyzjin
- yuanrr
- Zefan-Cai