
Here i Create A Simple Express Js App Using Html ,Css, Javascript ,Node js , Express js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Here Is My First Project In Node and Express.js

Welcome to My Github Profile.
as I create a simple Websitet from scratch using node , express js , javascript , css , html 

Here Is The Simple Explainations of This Code For New One !

  1. The code sets up an Express server and listens on a specified port (default is 2006).
  2. It requires necessary modules such as express, path, and the defined routers.
  3. The server is configured to use the EJS template engine and serve static files from the "public" directory.
  4. The main router (mainRouter) and the products router (productsRouter) are used in the application.
  5. The main router handles routes like "/", "/about", and "/download", rendering the corresponding EJS templates with data.
  6. The "/api/products" route in the main router responds with a JSON array of products.
  7. The products router handles the "/products" route and renders the "products" EJS template.
  8. The apikeymiddleware is imported but not used in the code.
  9. The apikey.js middleware file defines a function called apiKey that checks if the provided API key matches the expected value.
  10. The apiKey function is exported to be used in other parts of the application.
  11. The partials folder contains reusable partial templates like "nav.ejs", "style.ejs", and "scripts.ejs".
  12. The "nav.ejs" partial template is included in the main templates to display navigation links.
  13. The "about.ejs" template renders the "about" page with a title and includes the "style.ejs" partial.
  14. The "index.ejs" template renders the home page with a title, includes the "style.ejs" partial, and displays a download link.
  15. The "products.ejs" template renders the products page with a title, includes the "style.ejs" and "scripts.ejs" partials, and has a placeholder for dynamic content.

In summary, the code sets up an Express server with routing and template rendering using EJS. It defines routes for the home page, about page, and products page. It also includes partial templates for navigation, styles, and scripts to reuse common elements across multiple pages.
