
A simple dashboard with choropleth map and charts to visualize the trend of Covid-19 pandemic in Nepal upto District Level.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Covid-19 Nepal!

Covid-19-Nepal is a a data visualization dashboard for Covid-19 pandemic in Nepal down to district level. This is a static website written in vanilla javascript with no frameworks. However, D3.js is used for choropleth map and Chart.js is used for line graph and doughnut charts.

Live demo



Since I couldn't find any open source dataset classifying cases per district, I decided to give it a try myself. So I made the dataset myself based on data from various news sources. The dataset is available in csv format and is open-sourced on Github! (Repo link)

Note: The Dataset is completely managed by me so might not be upto-date. Use at your own discretion.


The choropleth map used in the dashboard is generated using Topojson and D3.js technologies. I couldn't find any updated topojson file for Nepal with all 77 districts so I scraped it from GIS map of MOFAGA. It is open-sourced on Github. (Repo link)

Note: The topojson file is conversion of original Geojson file converted using Codebeautify's JSON Tool

Gis softwares might have the geojson and topojson files. I just wanted a shortcut.


As of now, the dashboard supports four visualizations (Total cases, active cases, recovered and dead). Map supports upto 9 levels of colors mapped using scaleQuantize of D3.js and colors are based on modified files of Colorbrewer.js. Use the Controls below the map to see visualizations of a specific date and play button to animate the change in cases from that day.


Linegraph is visualization of data of linear change in Total active cases, recovered and dead. You can customize the number of days shown using the drop-down menu on top right of the graph.

Doughnut Charts

There are in total three doughnut charts for division of Total Reported Cases into Active Cases, Recovered and Deaths.

Setting up

To set-up the project on your local machine:

  • Git clone this repo into your local machine.

  • Use a simple http server or Vscode's live server extension to run the project locally.


  • Fix responsiveness for various screen sizes.
  • Fix css for controller bar.
  • Generate choropleth map and graphs for local-levels.