
This is a Crypto-Tracker site made using React js. Feel free to contribute to this project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The website url :


This site is made using React js.

feel free to contribute

Setup & Contribution Guidelines:

  1. Fork The repository

Click on Fork button present on the upper-right area of the screen to create a copy of this repository to your GitHub account.

  1. Clone The repository using git
git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/Crypto-Tracker.git

-> Navigate to Crypto-Tracker repo directory

cd Crypto-Tracker
  1. Add a reference to the original repository as upstream
git remote add upstream https://github.com/pruthvirajjadhav1.github.io/Crypto-Tracker.git

Verify the remotes for this repository

git remote -v

Output of above command will be same as this:

origin  https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/Crypto-Tracker.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/Crypto-Tracker.git (push)
upstream    https://github.com/Acadmica/Crypto-Tracker.git(fetch)
upstream    https://github.com/Acadmica/Crypto-Tracker.git (push)
  1. Update Fork Repo From Upstream(remain updated with the orignal repo).

Update your local branch to be in sync with the original repo.

$ git pull upstream master

Contributing & making a pull request

  1. Create a new branch.
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
  1. Perform your desired changes to the code base.

  2. Track your changes:heavy_check_mark: .

git add .
  1. Commit your changes
git commit -m "Relevant message"
  1. Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repo.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
  1. To create a pull request, click on compare and pull requests. Please ensure that you compare your feature branch to the desired branch master of the repo to make a PR.

  2. Add an appropriate title and relevant description to your pull request explaining your changes and efforts done. And edit the PR template

  3. Click on Create Pull Request.