
The Paper List of Large Multi-Modality Model, Parameter-Efficient Finetuning, Vision-Language Pretraining, Conventional Image-Text Matching for Preliminary Insight.

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The awesome tutorial of Large Multi-Modality Model, Parameter-Efficient Finetuning, Vision-Language Pretraining, Conventional Image-Text Matching will be constantly updated for Preliminary Insight !


【2024.06.06】 Update 90+ papers; Due to limited time, LMMM section will be expanded later.
【2024.03.09】 A new section named [Large Multi-Modality Model] has been added.
【2023.05.25】 A new section named [Parameter-Efficient Finetuning] has been added.
【2021.07.10】 A new section named [Vision-Language Pretraining] has been added.
【2020.11.01】 A new section named [Conventional Image-Text Matching] has been added.



MIT license. If any questions, please contact me at r1228240468@gmail.com.