
Blazor Chips/Tags input component

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Chips/Tags input component for Blazor

Main gif


  1. Install the NuGet package:

    > dotnet add package Sve.Blazor.ChipsInput
    PM> Install-Package Sve.Blazor.ChipsInput

    Use the --version option to specify a specific version to install.

    Or use the build in NuGet package manager of your favorite IDEA. Simply search for Sve.Blazor.ChipsInput, select a version and hit install.

  2. Import the component:

    Add the following using statement @using Sve.Blazor.ChipsInput.Components to one of the following:

    • For global import add it to your _Imports.razor file
    • For a scoped import add it to your desired Blazor component


Name Type Default Description
Chips List List The list of chips/tags
OnChipsChanged EventCallback<List> null The callback which is called when the chips/tags list has changed
ReadonlyChips bool false Indicates whether or not chips are readonly
AllowedValues List? null A list of allowed chip/tag values
AllowedValueValidationMessage string "The value is not present in the allowed values list" The validation message to use when the chip/tag value is not present in the AllowedValues list
ChipClass string "" The css class placed on every chip
ChipsListClass string "" The css class placed on the list tag of the chips
ChipsContainerClass string "" The css class placed on the container of the chips input
EnableBackspaceRemove bool true Indicates whether or not backspace will remove the last chip
AllowDeleteOfReadonlyItems bool false Indicates whether or not readonly items can be deleted
ShowValidationErrors bool false Indicates whether or not to show validation errors
AllowEmptyValue bool false Indicates whether or not empty values are allowed as a value
AllowEmptyValueValidationMessage string "An empty input is not allowed" The validation message to use when the AllowEmptyValue rule is not respected
MaxValueCount int? null The maximum number of chips
MaxValueCountValidationMessage string "The max amount of chip values has been reached" The validation message to use when the MaxValueCount rule is not respected
MinValueLength int? null The minimum value length of a chip
MinValueLengthValidationMessage string "The chip value doesn't meet the min length requirements" The validation message to use when the MinValueLength rule is not respected
MaxValueLength int? null The maximum value length of a chip
MaxValueLengthValidationMessage string "The chip value exceeds the max length requirements" The validation message to use when the MaxValueLength rule is not respected
ShowInputOutline bool Indicates whether or not to show the text input outline Indicates whether or not to show the text input outline
CustomValidation EventCallback null Callback to perform custom validation
PrependIconTemplate RenderFragment? null Custom template for prepending an icon to the chip
ValidationErrorTemplate RenderFragment? null Custom template for showing validation errors, make sure to set 'ShowValidationErrors' to true in order for validation errors to render
InputBorderRadius double .25 The border radius of the chip input container in rem
ChipBorderRadius double .25 The border radius of the chip in rem
InputAttributes Dictionary<string, object> Dictionary Custom attributes for the text input


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details