
Web Application like Regina Maria.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An ASP.NET MVC app (written in Visual Studio) that is made for people (role: patients) to be able to book a consultation to a doctor, on a specified date and specialization. We started from Regina Maria's app (https://www.reginamaria.ro/) and tried to develop a new one by our ideas. In our app, people can create an account with their email or with facebook, they can save some important details (as kg, allergies etc.), book a consultation to a doctor, see their consultation history and cancel each one if they want to. Doctors and Admin have many other features that you may discover using our Portal Doctor Patient app.



  1. As Patient_1, I want to have my own account.
  2. As Admin, I want people to be able to login with Facebook.
  3. As Patient_2, I want to be able to save some data about me (kg, age, allergies).
  4. As Patient_3, I need to be able to book a consultation on a date that I choose.
  5. As Doctor_1, I don't want my consultations to overlap.
  6. As Patient_4, I want to be able to see my consultation history.
  7. As Patient_5, I want to be able to cancel any of my bookings.
  8. As Patient_6, I want to search doctors by name and specialization.
  9. As Patient_7, I want to see the price for each booking I make.
  10. As Admin, I would like to send automatic confirmation emails to patients when they book an available slot.
  11. As Doctor_2, I need to receive feedback from my patients.
  12. As Admin, I want to be able to add new doctors or remove them.
  13. As Admin, I want to be able to delete doctor or patient accounts from the site.
  14. As Admin, I want the unregistered users to be able to only see the prices for the medical services, otherwise they get redirected to the login page.
  15. As Patient_8, I want to see a list of all doctors.
  16. As Admin, I want to have a contact/support page where people can reach the administration.


Here we have the UML Diagram for our models.


Backlog Creation

We also used the github feature for backlog, switched tasks when it needed to. Unfortunatly, we didn't make any screenshot in the middle of the process, only after we almost finished the tasks.


Source control (branches and merges)

We know that there are too many branches but we wanted to keep track of any commit that was made.



Here ar just a few of our merges.


Bug reporting (Issues)

During the process of making the app we faced some bugs and errors that were mentioned in the "Issues" Github category.


Facebook Login Issue Example

Here is an issue that was reported to our facebook login feature. We described what the error said and how we solved it.

Facebook issue

NuGet Build Tool

We used NuGet Solution to add EntityFramework (for database), bootstrap code, Smtp features (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and many others.


MVC Design Pattern

As the app is made in ASP.NET MVC we used a design pattern from the begging. "MVC is a design pattern used to decouple user-interface (view), data (model), and application logic (controller). This pattern helps to achieve separation of concerns." (source: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/mvc)



In the begging, our show function in patient controller was a simple one. We were showing everyone's information if you had the user id. Now, it is adapted to show information only for logged in patients by joining tables from database.


Show Patient Old


Show Patient Final

Now we present what our app looks like

Information about each user

In the app, each user can save several information about him/her as kg, allergies, birthday, sex. In this section, each user can see his/her consultation history and can manage it.

Personal Information

Our Home Page

The home page we design had 2 versions. At the end, we decided to have only 1 and there it is. It has a minimalistic design, some text about "our mission" and "best doctors in romania" and also a section where ex-patients' reviews can be seen.

Home Page

The list of Gods (Doctors)

In this page everyone can check that we have the best doctors in Romania. Each doctors have a rating which is calculated by a formula.

Doctor Index
