This Java Program + Minecraft Schematic enables you to easily generate reports on the distribution of the minecraft nether ores.
- Download the .litematica file and paste it into your world using litematica i. Paste it at the y-coordinate 0
- Run the command /gamerule commandModificationBlockLimit 999999
- Run the command block chain from bottom to top
- Download the jar file or build it yourself
- Open your minecraft log (Path: %AppData%.minecraft\logs\latest.log)
- Find the line where the Command Block Output starts
- Copy the full Command Block Output into "input.txt", which should be in the same directory as your jar file
- Run the jar file by i. Open the cmd ii. Navigate to the directory with your jar and text file iii. Run the command "java -jar NAMEOFJARFILE" Note: This requires a local java installation