Command line tool for tables

Useful for tables stored as .txt or .csv if you don't want to open a gui program and just want to do quick calculations from the terminal, e.g., for plotting with gnuplot



Used to do table calculations on a text file. For each command you give, a column will be outputted

C0 stands for the index
C1 stands for column 1
C<n> stands for column n (exchange <n> for the column number!)

Currently implemented operators: + - * /

col_magic table.dat "C0 + C1 * C2 ^ C3"

You can also use brackets

col_magic table.dat "(C0 + C1) * C2 ^ C3"

There are also functions implemented: abs, sin, sinh, cos, cosh, ln, log10, asin, asinh, acos, acosh, sqrt, cbrt, signum, round, floor, ceil

col_magic table.dat "sin(ln(C0 + C1) * C2) ^ round(C3)"

You can also use numbers and pi will be changed to the respective value like so:

col_magic table.dat "2/pi+sin(ln(C0 + C1) * C2) ^ round(C3)*0.231"

Lastly there are functions that need two inputs:

min, max

They can be used like so:

col_magic table.dat "min(C0,pi)" "max(C0, pi)" "max(C1, C2)" "min(C0*C1+23.9,C0*abs(C1)/0.1*min(C0,C1))"

USAGE: col_magic [FLAGS] [commands]...

FLAGS: -h, --help
Prints help information

-V, --version    
        Prints version information

-v, --verbose    
        Prints information during command parsing

