
This library is used for converting Bitmap or Drawable images to Round or Circular Shape. Round image view for Android or Circular Image View for Android.Tags Android Round Circularimageview Circle Rounded Corner imageview library.

Primary LanguageJava


This library is used for converting Bitmap or Drawable images to Round or Circular Shape.

How to use?

/* Simplay pass Bitmap in RoundImage.getRoundBitmap() and it will return Roundhape Bitmap */
Bitmap bitmap = RoundImage.getRoundBitmap("<Paas Here Your Images Bitmap>");

/* Simplay pass Drawable in RoundImage.getRoundDrawable() and it will return Roundhape Drawable */
Drawable drawable = RoundImage.getRoundDrawable("<Paas Here Your Images Drawble>");

Where to use ?

Use anywhere in your project to give a circular or round shapes to youe image.


ScreenShot ScreenShot