- App Logo Created Using Logo Maker
- For Hosting used 000webhost
- Flutter - Cross Platform App Development Framework
Host the sample included inside phpbackend on preffered web hosting
Create a table inside your database using FlutterClientPhpBackend.sql
If you are using your own website just edit the following constant inside constants.dart
static const String API_BASE_URL = "https://hafinse.000webhostapp.com";
Make sure to edit DBOperations.php and change following things -
private $host = 'your_host'; private $user = 'your_user_name'; private $db = 'your_database'; private $pass = 'your_password';
Not Interested in doing above steps just clone this repo and use it as it is already hosted on Free Web Host 000webhost hafinse
- Splash
- Login
- Registration
- Change Password
- Navigation Between Pages.
- Performing Operations in Background Thread.
- Network Requests.
- Serializing and DesSerializing JSON.
- Dialogs and SnackBar.
- Custom Progress Dialog.
- Rest API Integration.
- Store and Retrieve values from Shared Preference.
Its Android CounterPart Click Here
If you are aware of Postman you can use Postman Collection for Rest API used in this repo
- https://flutter.io/
- https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_launcher_icons
- https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/shared_preferences
- https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/http
- https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/json_serializable
- https://flutter.io/json/#creating-model-classes-the-json_serializable-way
- https://flutter.io/json/
- https://flutter.io/cookbook/networking/fetch-data/
- https://flutter.io/cookbook/
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Android Developer
Copyright 2018 Harsh Sharma
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