
Predict Bankruptcy from Qualitative parameters.

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Predict Bankruptcy from Qualitative parameters.

  1. Title: Qualitative_Bankruptcy database

  2. Source Information -- Creator: Martin.A, Uthayakumar.j and Nadarajan.m (uthayakumar17691@gmail.com) -- Guided By: Dr.V.Prasanna Venkatesan -- Date: February 2014

  3. Past Usage: The attributes or parameters which we used for collecting the dataset is referred from the paper"The discovery of experts’ decision rules from qualitative bankruptcy data using genetic algorithms" by Myoung-Jong Kim*, Ingoo Han.

  4. Number of Instances: 250

  5. Number of Attributes: 6, each corresponding to Qualitative Parameters in Bankruptcy

  6. Attribute Information: (P=Positive,A-Average,N-negative,B-Bankruptcy,NB-Non-Bankruptcy)

    1. Industrial Risk: {P,A,N}
    2. Management Risk: {P,A,N}
    3. Financial Flexibility: {P,A,N}
    4. Credibility: {P,A,N}
    5. Competitiveness: {P,A,N}
    6. Operating Risk: {P,A,N}
    7. Class: {B,NB}

Internal Risks: i.Industry risk (IR) : Government policies and International agreements, Cyclicality, Degree of competition, The price and stability of market supply, The size and growth of market demand, The sensitivity to changes in macroeconomic factors, Domestic and international competitive power, Product Life Cycle. ii.Management risk(MR): Ability and competence of management, Stability of management, The relationship between management/ owner, Human resources management, Growth process/business performance, Short and long term business planning, achievement and feasibility. iii.Financial Flexibility(FF): Direct financing, Indirect financing, Other financing iv.Credibility (CR):
Credit history,
reliability of information, The relationship with financial institutes. v.Competitiveness (CO):
Market position, The level of core capacities, Differentiated strategy, vi.Operating Risk (OP):
The stability and diversity of procurement, The stability of transaction, The efficiency of production, The prospects for demand for product and service, Sales diversification, Sales price and settlement condition, Collection of A/R, Effectiveness of sale network.

  1. Missing Attribute Values: None

  2. Class Distribution: [143 instances For Non-Bankruptcy] [107 instances For Bankruptcy] Information about the dataset CLASSTYPE: nominal