node.js, npm installed on the computer.
Open terminal in the project root folder and run the following commands
npm install
npm start
[In case something goes wrong with the above, run this command for testing without EC2]
npm test
- I have implemented HTTPS. Keys are provided in
folder with the project. No special setup required to run. - I have implemented JSON sanitization using
npm-package. So, the steps are- The data is initially sanitized by the library
- The data is parsed through a JSON validation algorithm, which checks the structure of the data.
- Any bad request found will throw HTTP 400 error.
- The endpoint to access is
. This might throw a warning/error on the browser, since the ssl keys are self generated usingopenssl
and not from a trusted source on the internet. - Postman:
- Open Postman and import NewsService_test.json given.
- Run the server (See previous section)
- Open Runner (Button next to Import)
- Select NewsService_test
- Click on 'Run NewsService_test'
- There are 11 test cases, all should pass for EC, sanitization test will fail without extra credit.
- Alternatively you can run each test case individually, but the sequence of test cases matters, such as create to run before all tests.
- API supports create, delete, update, and read operations.
i. create => Adds story to the persistence store. While adding it generates a unique id for a news story. Returns id - int (to uniquely identify the news service in the persistence store)
Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories
Method: POST
title - string
content - string
author - string
isPublic - boolean
date - Any valid Javascript Date object format:
ISO Date "2015-03-25" (The International Standard)
Short Date "03/25/2015"
Long Date "Mar 25 2015" or "25 Mar 2015"
Request Example:
Content-Type: application/json
body: {
"title" : "New Title",
"author" : "New Author",
"content" : "New Content",
"date" : "10/31/2020",
"isPublic" : true
HTTP Responses:
201 - OK
400 - Bad Request
405 - Wrong method invoked
Response Example:
Response.status : 201
Response.body : { storyId : 20 }
ii. editTitle - Updates new Title for news story identified using id.
Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/20
Method: PUT
id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)
title - string
Request Example:
Content-Type: application/json
body: {
"title": "Update title"
HTTP Responses:
201 - OK
400 - Bad Request
404 - id not found
405 - Wrong method invoked
Response Example:
Response.status : 204
iii. editContent - updates content for news story
Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/20
Method: PUT
id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)
content - string
Request Example:
Content-Type: application/json
body: {
"content": "Update content"
HTTP Responses:
201 - OK
400 - Bad Request
404 - id not found
405 - Wrong method invoked
Response Example:
Response.status : 204
iv. delete - deletes news story identified using id
Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/20
Method: DELETE
id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)
HTTP Responses:
204 - OK
400 - Bad Request
404 - id not found
405 - Wrong method invoked
Response Example:
Response.status : 204
v. search - To filter news stories and get a Map {id: NewsStory{title, content, author, isPublic, date} }. Returns a map with all {news story id - NewsStory object}
Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/
Optional Query Params:
?title=Update title
?author=New Author
?title=Update title&author=New Author
?title=Update title&startDate=10/30/2020&endDate=10/10/2021
?author=New Author&startDate=10/30/2020&endDate=10/10/2021
?title=Update title&author=New Author&startDate=10/30/2020&endDate=10/10/2021
Method: GET
title : string,
author : string,
startDate: "valid javascript date obj format"
endDate: "valid javascript date obj format"
HTTP Responses:
200 - OK
405 - Wrong method invoked
500 - Internal Server Error with Error message
Response Example:
Response.status : 200
vi. search - To filter news stories by id. Returns a story with {news story id - NewsStory object}
Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/21
Method: GET
id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)
HTTP Responses:
200 - OK
405 - Wrong method invoked
500 - Internal Server Error with Error message
Response Example:
Response.status : 200
405 - Wrong method invoked
500 - Internal Server Error with Error message
- persistencestore.json All news stories are stored in persistencestore.json in json format.