SER 421 Lab 6


node.js, npm installed on the computer.


Open terminal in the project root folder and run the following commands

npm install

npm start

[In case something goes wrong with the above, run this command for testing without EC2]

npm test


  1. I have implemented HTTPS. Keys are provided in /ssl folder with the project. No special setup required to run.
  2. I have implemented JSON sanitization using schema-inspector npm-package. So, the steps are
    • The data is initially sanitized by the library
    • The data is parsed through a JSON validation algorithm, which checks the structure of the data.
    • Any bad request found will throw HTTP 400 error.
  3. The endpoint to access is https://localhost:3000/stories. This might throw a warning/error on the browser, since the ssl keys are self generated using openssl and not from a trusted source on the internet.
  4. Postman:
    1. Open Postman and import NewsService_test.json given.
    2. Run the server (See previous section)
    3. Open Runner (Button next to Import)
    4. Select NewsService_test
    5. Click on 'Run NewsService_test'
    6. There are 11 test cases, all should pass for EC, sanitization test will fail without extra credit.
    7. Alternatively you can run each test case individually, but the sequence of test cases matters, such as create to run before all tests.

REST API Specification

  1. API supports create, delete, update, and read operations.

i. create => Adds story to the persistence store. While adding it generates a unique id for a news story. Returns id - int (to uniquely identify the news service in the persistence store)

Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories

Method: POST

    title    - string
    content  - string
    author   - string
    isPublic - boolean
    date - Any valid Javascript Date object format:
        ISO Date	"2015-03-25" (The International Standard)
        Short Date	"03/25/2015"
        Long Date	"Mar 25 2015" or "25 Mar 2015"

Request Example: 
    Content-Type: application/json
    body: {
        "title"    : "New Title",
        "author"   : "New Author",
        "content"  : "New Content",
        "date"     : "10/31/2020",
        "isPublic" : true

HTTP Responses: 
    201 - OK
    400 - Bad Request
    405 - Wrong method invoked

Response Example:
    Response.status : 201
    Response.body   : { storyId : 20 }

ii. editTitle - Updates new Title for news story identified using id.

Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/20

Method: PUT

    id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)
    title - string

Request Example:
    Content-Type: application/json
    body: {
        "title": "Update title"

HTTP Responses: 
    201 - OK
    400 - Bad Request
    404 - id not found
    405 - Wrong method invoked

Response Example:
    Response.status : 204

iii. editContent - updates content for news story

Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/20

Method: PUT

    id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)
    content - string

Request Example:
    Content-Type: application/json
    body: {
        "content": "Update content"

HTTP Responses: 
    201 - OK
    400 - Bad Request
    404 - id not found
    405 - Wrong method invoked

Response Example:
    Response.status : 204

iv. delete - deletes news story identified using id

Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/20

Method: DELETE

    id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)

HTTP Responses: 
    204 - OK
    400 - Bad Request
    404 - id not found
    405 - Wrong method invoked

Response Example:
    Response.status : 204

v. search - To filter news stories and get a Map {id: NewsStory{title, content, author, isPublic, date} }. Returns a map with all {news story id - NewsStory object}

Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/

Optional Query Params: 
    ?title=Update title
    ?author=New Author
    ?title=Update title&author=New Author
    ?title=Update title&startDate=10/30/2020&endDate=10/10/2021
    ?author=New Author&startDate=10/30/2020&endDate=10/10/2021
    ?title=Update title&author=New Author&startDate=10/30/2020&endDate=10/10/2021

Method: GET

    title : string,
    author : string,
    startDate: "valid javascript date obj format"
    endDate: "valid javascript date obj format"

HTTP Responses: 
    200 - OK
    405 - Wrong method invoked
    500 - Internal Server Error with Error message

Response Example:
    Response.status : 200

vi. search - To filter news stories by id. Returns a story with {news story id - NewsStory object}

Endpoint: https://localhost:3000/stories/21

Method: GET

    id - int (News story's id, present as query path parameter)

HTTP Responses: 
    200 - OK
    405 - Wrong method invoked
    500 - Internal Server Error with Error message

Response Example:
    Response.status : 200
    405 - Wrong method invoked
    500 - Internal Server Error with Error message
  1. persistencestore.json All news stories are stored in persistencestore.json in json format.