
This is a bot used for downloading the test cases from CodeChef contests, Testing our code against given test cases, and submitting our code to the online judge all done in the command line.

Primary LanguagePython

Use Case

This bot reduces the menial work that has to be done before and during the contests. And makes you more productive while doing contests.

How to install the bot:

  • First clone the repository into a directory of your choice.
  • To run this bot python3 is necessary. If you don't have python3 click this link to download
  • Navigate to the directory in which you cloned the repository and open the terminal in the same path.
  • run the command For windows users:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    For mac or linux users:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to use it:

  • To participate in a contest:
  • Just run the setup.py file. It is a interactive program all the details needed will be prompted by the program.
  • The program will create a directory in the specifed directory and will create subDirectories for all the problems in a contest. The tree structure will be like.
  • The files in those directories are:
    • statment.txt: contains the problem statment.
    • given_input.dat: Contains the sample input of the problem.
    • given_output.dat: Contains the sample output of the problem.
    • sol.cpp: Contains a basic template in which you have to write the solution of the problem.
    • test.py: When you run this program your code will be tested against the sample input testcases.You can check your output in yourOut.dat file.(If you are a windows user check out the note below).
    • submit.py: When you run this program the code you wrote will be submitted to the online judge and the results will be printed on your terminal.
  • Now using this bot you can solve problems without having the hassle of doing all the jobs manually from the browser.

Commands for running:

In Windows:

python (filename)

In linux or macOS:

python3 (filename)


  • when you are running the test.py file it may not work in a windows system to make it work you have to install the g++ compiler checkout this link to see how to download and install g++ compiler.
  • The template.cpp file in your cloned repository. Is from where the sol.cpp files are copied if you want to use your own template instead of the default you can replace the template.cpp file with your own template code.


Creating contest pics:

Testing solution pics:

Submitting solution pics:

Contact information:

Please conact me if you have any query regarding the usage or if you want to contribute to the code.
Email: parikshithraju8@gmail.com