Create Plus+ is a Create centric pack with a collection of mods that add quality of life features such as backpacks, right click harvest and trade cycling. I have also included many decorative mods and mods to improve the overall performance of the game while trying to keep a vanilla plus feeling to the modpack.
I have completely rebuilt this pack in the 3.0 version and the mod list is below. It should be noted that my tweaked configs for Completely Reimagined are enabled by default on the lowest setting. Shaders allow you to have dynamic lighting with held light sources and also give the game a nice polish.
- Advancements Debug
- Apple Skin
- Architectury-api
- Camera Utils
- Chipped
- Cloth Config API
- Continuity
- Convenient Mobgriefing
- Create Fabric
- Create Deco
- Create Steam'n'Rails
- CreateFabricREIBugFix
- Decorative Blocks
- Durability Plus
- Extreme Sound Muffler
- Fabric API
- Farmers Delight
- Ferrite Core
- Gamma Utils
- Indium
- Inventory Sorting
- Iris
- Jade
- Jade Addons
- Jamlib
- Journeymap
- LazyDFU
- Lithium
- Malillib
- Memory Leak Fix
- Mini Hud
- Mod Menu
- MoonLight
- Mouse Tweaks
- No Fog
- Polymorph
- Reeses Sodium Options
- Resourceful Lib
- Right Click Harvest
- Roughly Enough Items
- Roughly Enough Proffessions
- Shulkerbox Tooltips
- Simple Backpacks
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Starlight
- Supplimentaries
- Trade Cycling
- Tweakeroo