PatientList - Bonus Version

Technology Used : Java, FHIR, Android Studio

Libraries Used : ButterKnife, Room, Android Architecture components, Glide


  • The app is based on the MVVM architecture
  • The web requests are made using the FHIR OKHTTP Client (fhir-client-okhttp) and data modelling is done through (hapi-fhir-structures-dstu3) framework
  • The images are served using the Glide Library
  • Unit Tests & Instrumented Tests are done using JUnit


  • Launch the app.
  • Wait for the data to get loaded from the network.
  • Once the data is loaded and saved to database, the list is populated with the data (10 items)
  • The user can search through the list by clicking the search button and entering the text. The data is searched by the name.
  • The user can also filter the data by name, gender and birthdate.
  • Upon clicking on a Patient, the user can edit the name, gender and birthdate (This is not synced back to the server).
  • When the user clicks back, the patient data is saved to the database and updated on the list.

Unit Tests

  • Unit Tests can be found in the test (com.parithi.patientlist) folder



Class Structure

Class Structure


List Screen


Search Screen


Filter Screen


Edit Screen


Change Date Screen

Change Date