OLKAVS: An Open Large-Scale Korean Audio-Visual Speech Dataset

This repository contains code scripts for training and evaluation of the OLKAVS dataset described in the paper OLKAVS: An Open Large-Scale Korean Audio-Visual Speech Dataset.


Sample #1 : {A,B,D,F,H}
"그때 되게 한여름이어서 되게 뜨거웠거든요."
Sample #2 : {A,C,E,G,I}
"그래서 도서관엘 다시 들어갔어요 공부하기 위해서"

The OLKAVS contains below.

  • a total of 1,150 hours of audio
  • a total of 5,750 hours of synced video from 9 different viewpoints

Those are from 1,107 Korean speakers in a studio setup with corresponding Korean transcriptions.

Yo can download The OLKAVS datasets from AIHub: 립리딩(입모양) 음성인식 데이터.

Dataset Structure


The folder structure of the OLKAVS dataset is as follows:

  • root : Root directory
  • group : Data grouped by usage. (e.g. Train, Validation, Test)
  • subgroup : Data are separated in subgroups randomly.
  • noise : Noise condition.
  • specificity : Specificity of speaker.
  • gender_group : Gender.
  • gender_subgroup : Data of each gender are separted in gender_subgroups randomly.
  • session_idx : Index of the 5-minutes-long recording session. This index follows the name rule at here.
  • extension : File extension. mp4, wav, json for video, audio and label, respectively.


Name Rule

The rule of naming file is as follows:

  • video_env J: indoor, K:outdoor
  • audio_noise 1: No noise, 2: Indoor noise, 3: Indoor ambiance, 4: Traffic noise, 5:Construction-site noise, 6: Natural outdoor noise
  • gender F : Female, M : Male
  • age 1 : 10 - 19, 2 : 20 - 29, 3: 30 - 39, 4: 40 - 49, 5: 50 - 59, 6: 60 over
  • specificity C : Common speaker , E: Expert
  • speakerID Identified number for speaker
  • video_angle A : Frontal, B : Upper left, C : Left, D : Lower left, E : Lower center, F : Lower right, G : Right, H : Upper right, I : Upper center
  • index Index of the 5-minute-long recording session

Label Structure (json)

├── dataSet
│   ├── description
│   ├── url
│   ├── version
│   └── year
├── Video_info
│   ├── video_Name
│   ├── video_Format
│   ├── video_Duration
│   ├── FPS
│   └── Resolution
├── Audio_info
│   ├── Audio_Name
│   ├── Audio_Format
│   ├── Audio_Duration
│   ├── Sampling_rate
│   └── Channel(s)
├── Audio_env
│   └── Noise
├── Video_env
│   ├── env
│   └── Angle
├── Sentence_info
│   ├── ID
│   ├── topic
│   ├── sentence_text
│   ├── start_time
│   └── end_time
├── speaker_info
│   ├── speaker_ID
│   ├── Specificity
│   ├── Gender
│   ├── Age
│   └── Accent
└── Bounding_box_info
    ├── Face_bounding_box
    └── Lip_bounding_box


pip install -r requirements.txt


Preprocess the data. Crop the lengths of audio and video by the temporal label. (start, end)
Then crop the video to the shape (96 96), by bounding box.
Finally generate label scripts for training or evaluation.


Data folder should comply with this structure

Run Script

python preprocess.py --root_dir {ROOT_DIR} --src_dir {SOURCE_DIR} --label_dir {LABEL_DIR}

Generated Label Samples

./save/원천데이터/TS1/소음환경1/C(일반인)/F(여성)/F(여성)_1/lip_J_1_F_02_C032_A_011/2.mp4	./save/원천데이터/TS1/소음환경1/C(일반인)/F(여성)/F(여성)_1/lip_J_1_F_02_C032_A_011/2.wav	건강이 안 좋아지니 죄착 죄책감이 드네	5 28 48 5 24 65 16 44 4 16 24 48 4 17 32 71 16 24 17 44 7 44 4 17 35 19 24 45 4 17 35 19 25 45 5 24 60 16 44 4 8 42 7 29
./save/원천데이터/TS1/소음환경1/C(일반인)/F(여성)/F(여성)_1/lip_J_1_F_02_C032_A_011/3.mp4	./save/원천데이터/TS1/소음환경1/C(일반인)/F(여성)/F(여성)_1/lip_J_1_F_02_C032_A_011/3.wav	요즘에 불면증이 심해진 것 같아	16 36 17 42 60 16 29 4 12 37 52 11 30 48 17 42 65 16 44 4 14 44 60 23 25 17 44 48 4 5 28 63 4 5 24 69 16 24

Extract Lip Feature (Optional)

To reduce the required memory resource, we extracted lip features by pre-trained model from here.

We used its visual front-end, the details of using pre-trained model are in the paper.




python inference.py -c {CONFIG_FILE_PATH}


Model # of params TrainData CER WER sWER pt
AV-model 62M* None 5.64 12.05 9.45 here
A-model 38M* None 5.63 11.61 9.37
V-model 34M* None 36.53 49.97 51.71
F-model 45M None 55.00 71.60 72.64
All-model 45M None 44.86 60.08 60.67 here

(* Do not include pre-trained visual front-end parameters.)


  • v1.0.0
    • baseline released


The dataset itself is released under custom terms and conditions.

The OLKAVS Scripts are released under MIT license.


    author={Jeongkyun Park and Jung-Wook Hwang and Kwanghee Choi and Seung-Hyun Lee and Jun Hwan Ahn and Rae-Hong Park and Hyung-Min Park},
    booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing


park32323@gmail.com @Park323