- 0
- 2
FileProvider collision error
#97 opened by LebonNic - 0
- 0
- 0
startMultiImage로 여러 사진을 선택할 때, 가로로 사진 촬영 후 확인을 누르면 java.lang.RuntimeException: Performing pause of activity that is not resumed: {com.example.testapp/gun0912.tedimagepicker.TedImagePickerActivity} 에러 발생
#132 opened by ask0908 - 0
사진 / 영상 선택 화면을 닫는 방법은 없나요?
#131 opened by ask0908 - 0
- 0
Image Compression not available
#128 opened by grvsingh789 - 8
Not working on Android 13
#122 opened by ArtRoman - 2
- 1
- 0
Select all not available
#125 opened by 9dmatee - 0
Problem with large files
#124 opened by hysapp - 0
Android 8 이하 이미지 저장소 탐색 중 오류 발생 대응방법이 있을까요?
#123 opened by cho960422 - 1
TedOnActivityResult needs to be updated to use AndroidX
#121 opened by bjano - 2
White screen below API level 29
#118 opened by LebonNic - 2
Currently there is no way for the caller of this library to handle the scenario when the Storage permission request is denied
#110 opened by ebhsgit - 1
- 0
- 0
Image형태 file로 수령 기능 추가
#107 opened by aahspringaa4 - 1
How to change All text in album?
#105 opened by broscr - 0
[Question] make it to fullscreen
#104 opened by naemomlab-dorian - 0
- 0
unable to work in fragment
#101 opened by tanishq14developer - 2
crashing on clicking camera tile
#93 opened by kaushalxb - 1
Input dispatching timed out
#98 opened by Leeduseop - 1
Is there a way to replace the take "a photo on the camera" function by our own implementation?
#94 opened by arqlz - 0
깨진 파일이 있는 경우, 진입시 에러가 납니다.
#96 opened by KiwanPark - 0
Not compatible with Jetpack Compose
#92 opened by Merkost - 0
Impossible to stay in landscape
#89 opened by Myotome - 5
Migration to mavenCentral
#72 opened by praveenrajput - 1
Feature Request: Set Max Count
#65 opened by ParkIlHo - 4
Content Uri on Android 11
#67 opened by DevAdeel - 2
(feature-request): handling cancel event
#77 opened by EinfachHans - 2
개선 및 수정요청 드립니다.
#81 opened by ParkIlHo - 1
with permission check before, it doesn't work
#80 opened by KiwanPark - 0
GIF 이미지 메모리 이슈
#83 opened by bskim0212 - 1
HEIF Image issue Glide 4.9
#85 opened by dimitriadamou - 0
#75 opened by dev-kicking - 0
Picker changes Locale default language!
#76 opened by Gattalraouf - 0
- 0
#73 opened by hongwonyun - 5
Migrate from JCenter
#68 opened by nicemak - 0
ANR while importing image
#66 opened by ammadmunir - 0
- 0
Feature Request: Allow sorting by file name
#60 opened by lochehong - 0
이미지 다중 선택시 특정 갯수 선택 이후, 리플 애니메이션 효과 끊김 현상.
#57 opened by acadia3000 - 0
Feature Request: MediaType ALL Add
#56 opened by yjogugu - 0
Option to clear selected images
#53 opened by FaridBen95 - 0
Crash at MediaUtil.kt line 76
#51 opened by antranvn