
A simple package to interact between the ElectronJS main/renderer process.


A simple tool that lets you interact between processes in an ElectronJS app.


To install:

> npm i electron-sender


> npm install electron-sender

For developement environments, please use the --save-dev flag when installing.

To use:

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require("electron");
const Sender = require("electron-sender");

app.on("ready", () => {
  const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ ... });
  mainWindow.webContents.loadFile(__dirname + "/index.html");
  Sender.receive(mainWindow, "test_function", (param1, param2) => {
    console.log("Received param1: " + param1 + "\nReceived param2: " + param2);
<!DOCTYPE html>
      Sender.send("test_function", ["string1", "string2"]);

And the output:

> Launch app
  > Window opens
  > Console message
    > Received param1: String  "string1"
    > Received param2: String  "string2"



Sender.receive - function receive(process: Electron.BrowserWindow)

Sender.send (main process) - function send(name: String, params: Array)

Sender.send (renderer process) - function send(name: String, params: Array)

Sender.append - function append(process: Electron.BrowserWindow)

What they do

Sender.receive() - defines a function to run

Sender.send() - runs a defined function (used in renderer and main processes)

Sender.append() - appends the tools to the selected process

How it works

Messages between processes are very simple.

Messages from main.js to index.html occur when a default function built-in called WebContent.executeJavascript executes a function defined in the renderer process (index.html).


# main.js
mainWindow.webContents.executeJavascript(`Sender.functions["test_function"]("string1", "string2")`);

// Is the same as

Sender.send("test_function", ["string1", "string2"]);
# index.html
Sender.functions["test_function"] = (param1, param2) => {
  console.log(param1, param2);

// Is the same as

Sender.receive("test_function", (param1, param2) => {
  console.log(param1, param2);

This process works the same way, send to receive in the main process, send to receive in the renderer process, Vice-Versa.

What certain functions do

Appending a process using Sender.append

This function prepares a certain ElectronJS process (window) for this package.

Basically it just gives the window the tools you need to interact between processes.

Sending messages or functions using Sender.send

This function works with both main and renderer processes, as well as Sender.receive.

This will listen for the specified message and run the defined function by Sender.receive.

Receiving messages using Sender.receive

Like mentioned, both send and receive functions are necessary for interaction.

This function is very important because you need a function to run using Sender.send, so without this, the package is useless.


Uncaught Error: Process "" is undefined

    This error occurs when using Sender.send could not find the function name defined by Sender.receive
