Just some stuff to check off my study list. Dont want to waste money and time taking master but got no knowledge from it.
- Arrow functions
- Async/await
- Classes
- Closures
- Constants
- Constructors
- Default parameters
- Destructuring
- Enums
- For...of loops
- Generators
- Getters/setters
- Hoisting
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Iterators
- Lambdas
- Map and set data structures
- Modules
- Namespaces
- Null coalescing operator
- Object initializer shorthand
- Optional chaining operator
- Overloading
- Promises
- Proxies
- Rest parameters
- Spread syntax
- Symbol type
- Template literals
- Ternary operator
- This keyword
- Type assertions
- Type inference
- TypeScript
- Union and intersection types
- Variadic functions
- Weak maps and weak sets
- Array.prototype.forEach()
- Array.prototype.map()
- Array.prototype.reduce()
- Array.prototype.filter()
- Array.prototype.find()
- Array.prototype.sort()
- Function.prototype.bind()
- Function.prototype.call()
- Function.prototype.apply()
- Function.prototype.toString()
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty()
- Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf()