Javascript developer test

Details: In the following file data.js, there are Countries containing Peoples containing Animals. Some features have been implemented by a previous developer. You need to check if all user stories have been completed. If you find some issues or enhancements, feel free to create a new pull request on the same repository.


  • All your changes should be in a new branch. You have to open a new pull request to push your work in this repository.
  • No library/modules should be added.
  • Code readability, structure and consistency
  • Tests, and how they are written
  • Usage of comments

User story #1 filter

The customer would like to filter the above lists by animals name and print a formatted list in the console.

Your task: You have to implement a command filter that take in parameter a name of animal or a partial name.

Rules: if an animal name should not match the input pattern, it should be removed from the list. if a people no longer contains animal after the filter, the people should not appear in the result. if a country no longer contains people after the filter, the country should not appear in the result. The order of countries, peoples and animals should be kept intact.

Example :

$ node app.js --filter=ry
# Only animals containing `ry` are displayed.
    "name": "Uzuzozne",
    "people": [
        "name": "Lillie Abbott",
        "animals": [
            "name": "John Dory"
    "name": "Satanwi",
    "people": [
        "name": "Anthony Bruno",
        "animals": [
            "name": "Oryx"
$ node app.js --filter=uz
# Only animals containing `Uz` are displayed.
    "name": "Dillauti",
    "people": [
        "name": "Philip Murray",
        "animals": [
            "name": "Buzzard"

User story #2 count

The next goal is to print the counts of People and Animals by counting the number of children and appending it in the name.

Task: You have to implement a new command count that does not take any parameters. It adds a suffix to countries and people by counting their respective direct children. The number of children should appear in square brackets a white space after the name of the country or the people.

Rules: If the count is the only command called, you have to count the initial data.

User story #3 combine filter and count commands

Task: It should be possible to use a command filter and a command count in the same call.

Rules: The count command should add the number of children after the filter was applied.

node app.js --count --filter=ry
node app.js --filter=ry --count 
# This two commands should produce the same result
    "name": "Uzuzozne [1]",
    "people": [
        "name": "Lillie Abbott [1]",
        "animals": [
            "name": "John Dory"
    "name": "Satanwi [1]",
    "people": [
        "name": "Anthony Bruno [1]",
        "animals": [
            "name": "Oryx"