This repository contains source code of a Quote app, which uses zen quotes api, for retrieving quotes.
This repository is created to learn the MVVM Architecture based on definition of Quote App.
This app is developed using Kotlin. It uses the latest android recommended development principles. The code is structured based on MVVM pattern. Here's a list of tools and frameworks this app uses:
- Material Design - For user Interface
- Android LifeCycle Components - To perform task based on lifecycle events
- Room Database Library - Persists and use Quotes in Local database
- Kotlin Extensions and Coroutines - Extensions for common functions and prevent thread blocking using Coroutines
- Retrofit Library - Perform networking
- Android Navigation Components - Avoid to use multiple Activities by using Fragments.
I would like to mention the sources that inspired me to explore their code and learn by hands-on practice.
- QuotesApp by Gourav Khunger
- Freepik- For providing awesome picture.