
Primary LanguageJavaScript


backend API for E-shop

This API uses MongoDB and express in order to create backend API for Online shopping


$ git clone https://github.com/Parsa-Alemi/E-shop.git
$ cd E-shop
$ npm i
$ npm start

Creating environment valuables

we need to setup 2 valuables as environment valuables


you can create environment valuables by adding a file name .env to your main folder and assign to value to the file

API_URL = value1
SECRET  = value2



GET: host://API_URL/users => Show users list,  Is_Admin = true

GET: host://API_URL/users/id => Show user by id,  Is_Admin = true

POST ://API_URL/users => Adding user,  Is_Admin = true

POST ://API_URL/users/login => Login and generating Token,  Is_Admin = false

DELETE://API_URL/users/id => Deleting user,  Is_Admin = true


GET: host://API_URL/products => Show products list,  Is_Admin = false

GET: host://API_URL/products/id => Show product by id,  Is_Admin = false

POST ://API_URL/products => Adding product,  Is_Admin = true

PUT ://API_URL/products/id => Updating product,  Is_Admin = true

DELETE://API_URL/products/id => Deleting product,  Is_Admin = true


GET: host://API_URL/orders => Show orders list,  Is_Admin = true

GET: host://API_URL/orders/id => Show order by id,  Is_Admin = false

POST ://API_URL/orders => Adding order,  Is_Admin = false

PUT ://API_URL/orders/id => Updating order,  Is_Admin = false

DELETE://API_URL/orders/id => Deleting order,  Is_Admin = true


GET: host://API_URL/categories => Show Categories list,  Is_Admin = true

GET: host://API_URL/categories/id => Show Categorie by id,  Is_Admin = true

POST ://API_URL/categories => Adding Categorie,  Is_Admin = true

PUT ://API_URL/categories/id => Updating Categorie,  Is_Admin = true

DELETE://API_URL/categories/id => Deleting Categorie,  Is_Admin = true