
A wrapper of the claude 2. Basicly use the axios mock a sdk. For my project switch to claude2. docs: https://parsedark.github.io/claude-revert-api/

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A wrapper of the claude 2. Basicly use the axios mock a sdk. For my project switch to claude2. Code will be open source. I still test for it. If you have more requirement just send email to 3173991952@qq.com or follow my twitter

And feel free open an issue or PR.

Document: https://parsedark.github.io/claude-revert-api/

NPM version NPM downloads


// npm 
npm install claude-revert-api

// pnpm 
pnpm install claude-revert-api


pnpm install
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build

Usage 1: only use the sdk

// baseURL?: string
// uuid: string;
// organization_uuid: organizationType;
// sessionKey: string;
// name?: string;
// baseURL?: string
// sessionKey: string;
// prompt: string;
// metadata: IMetadata;
// baseURL?: string
// organization_uuid: organizationType;
// sessionKey: string;
// baseURL?: string
// sessionKey: string;
// organization_uuid: organizationType;
// conversation_uuid: conversationType;
//   baseURL?: string
//   sessionKey: string;
//   organization_uuid: organizationType;
//   conversation_uuid: conversationType;
// baseURL?: string
// organization_uuid: organizationType;
// conversation_uuid: conversationType;
// sessionKey: string;
// title: string;

Usage 2: if need to customize the base_url or token

for this usage i think your are not the claude api support region. So we need to do a proxy. When use the proxy will change the base url. So you need to use this OOP style.

// ClaudeRevertAPI(baseURL: string, sessionKey: string)
const claude = new ClaudeRevertAPI("https://claude.ai", "sessionKey");

// create a new chat session
claude.createConversation(organization_uuid: string)
// post a new message session
claude.appendMessage(prompt: string, metadata: IMetadata)
// get all chat session
claude.conversationList(organization_uuid: string)
// delete chat session
claude.deleteConversation(organization_uuid: organizationType, conversation_uuid: conversationType)
// get history message 
claude.getConversation(organization_uuid: organizationType, conversation_uuid: conversationType)
// rename your session
claude.renameConversation(title: string,organization_uuid: organizationType, conversation_uuid: conversationType)

Pending issue

  1. axios browser call streaming issue. If you use the sdk to the browser. The appendMessage SDK can't be a stream response. Only return all of thing one time. It's will cause long response time.

Have fun for it.