
A microapi to allow easy integration of authentication into your service

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Auth-Micro API

A microapi to allow easy integration of authentication into your service


Go to support website 🎈




  • Login/logout/register + session expiry
  • Secure routing
  • Email verification
  • Password recovery ("forgot password")
  • Password reset ("update password")
  • Social authentication ("twitter, facebook, github, google")
  • Rate limiting ("lockout on unsuccessful login attempts")
  • Persistent login ("remember me")


  • node v~12.16.0
  • npm v~6.14.5
  • MongoDB Atlas URI, Sendgrid APIKEY, Social Auth keys


  • cd auth-microapi
  • cp sample.env .env
  • add MongoDB URI, and Sengrid APIkey in .env
  • npm install
  • npm run dev


Use Postman to test endpoints


POST api/auth/admin/register email, username, password, phone_number application/json Register as new admin/service user
POST api/auth/admin/getkey email, password application/json Get APIkey for admin
POST api/auth/admin/reset-password email application/json Make request to reset admin password if forgotten
PATCH api/auth/admin/reset-password/:token password, password_confirmation application/json Reset admin password
POST api/auth/user/register email, username, password, phone_number application/json, Authorization: Bearer token As an admin, register your user
GET api/auth/user/email-verification/:token - application/json, Authorization: Bearer token Verify user email
GET api/auth/user/email-verification/resend - application/json, Authorization: Bearer token Resend email verification link for user
POST api/auth/user/login email, password application/json, Authorization: Bearer token Login user
POST api/auth/user/password/reset email application/json, Authorization: Bearer token Request to reset password for user in case of forgotten password
PATCH api/auth/user/password/:token password, password_confirmation application/json, Authorization: Bearer token Reset user password
GET api/auth/user/logout - Authorization: Bearer token Logout user
GET api/auth/facebook ------ Authorization: Bearer token Register/Login with facebook
GET api/auth/twitter ------ Authorization: Bearer token Register/Login with twitter
GET api/auth/github ------ Authorization: Bearer token Register/Login with github
GET api/auth/google ------ Authorization: Bearer token Register/Login with google
  • *(get Authorization token from api/admin/auth/getkey)

Contribution Guide:

Please always follow the right format before making pull request

  • Fork this repository into your remote repository
  • Clone the code from your remote repository into your local machine git clone <url>
  • Create a branch with the feature name you wish to work on git checkout -b <name_of_feature>
  • Add any changes
  • Create an upstream on your local machine to pull the latest code from the develop branch of this repository git remote add upstream develop and git pull upstream develop
  • Push to the remote branch which you forked git add . | git commit -m "cool feature" | git push origin <name_of_feature>
  • Make a pull request to the develop branch of this repository