Trademate can be added to a discord server and can provide features of ChatGPT inside that discord server. Implemented 4 commands:
$chat - responds to your messages
$code - most efficient in giving codes
$complete - efficient in writing blogs, articles, letters etc
$edit - efficient in fixing the grammatical errors in a sentence
Link: Add to server 🔗
Clone this repo, cd to cloned directory and run the following commands:
npm install
npm run dev
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Contributions are always welcome!
You can append a new command by making a .js file in commandHandlers folder.
It will be a custom js module which must export these 3 parameters: command, execute, description
will store the command string.
is a function which has the logic for the command. It has 2 parameters- message
it will have the description of the command.
Example code snippet:
const openai = require("./../../src/ai.js");
const command = "chat";
const description = "$chat : It will return the response for the given prompt. e.g. $chat <prompt>";
const execute = (message, agrs) => {
//logic for the command
module.exports = {command, execute, description};
Thank you