
A discord bot powered by OpenAI Api.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Discord bot integrated with OpenAI API

Trademate can be added to a discord server and can provide features of ChatGPT inside that discord server. Implemented 4 commands:

  • $chat - responds to your messages

  • $code - most efficient in giving codes

  • $complete - efficient in writing blogs, articles, letters etc

  • $edit - efficient in fixing the grammatical errors in a sentence

  • Link: Add to server 🔗


App Screenshot


Clone this repo, cd to cloned directory and run the following commands:

  npm install
  npm run dev

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file



Contributions are always welcome!

You can append a new command by making a .js file in commandHandlers folder.

It will be a custom js module which must export these 3 parameters: command, execute, description.

command will store the command string.

execute is a function which has the logic for the command. It has 2 parameters- message args.

description it will have the description of the command.

Example code snippet:

const openai = require("./../../src/ai.js");

const command = "chat"; 
const description = "$chat : It will return the response for the given prompt. e.g. $chat <prompt>";

const execute = (message, agrs) => {
    //logic for the command

module.exports =  {command, execute, description};

Thank you