Command line console based on FreeRTOS and STM32

Primary LanguageC

IMPORTANT: This repo is under developmcommandent and first release will be posted by end of February 2024.

Introduction: FreeRTOS CLI + STM32

FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI (Command Line Interface) provides a simple, small, extensible and RAM efficient method of enabling your FreeRTOS application to process command line input. Reference: (https://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Plus/FreeRTOS_Plus_CLI/FreeRTOS_Plus_Command_Line_Interface.html).

The following output is what would you see if you open a serial port with a serial cable connected to the microcontroller. The serial device configuration should be 9600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit and 7 bit data frame (very common serial device configuration).

#cmd: Welcome to the console. Enter 'help' to view a list of available commands.

Once you are here, type any of the following commands.



help lists all available commands.

#cmd: help

 Lists all the registered commands

 Displays a table with the state of each FreeRTOS task.

gpio-w <gpio port> <pin number> <logical value>: Write a digital value to a GPIO pin.

gpio-r <gpio port> <pin number>: Read a GPIO pin.

echo <string to echo>

pwm-f <Frequency>: Set a new frequency.

pwm-d <Duty cycle> <Channel>: Set a new PWM duty cycle of a giving channel.

heap: Display free heap memory.

clk: Display clock information.

ticks: Display OS tick count and run time in seconds.

version: Get console version

GPIO read

gpio-r reads a GPIO pin state

Example: Read GPIO port A pin number 2

#cmd: gpio-r a 2

Pin state: 0

GPIO write

gpio-w writes to a GPIO pin

Example: Write 1 to GPIO port C pin number 12

#cmd: gpi-w c 12 1

Pin set to 1

Task statistics

stats shows a list with relevant information of each task such as task name, state, priority, stack remaining, CPU usage and runtime. For more information about FreeRTOS statistics, take a look at FreeRTOS statistics.

#cmd: stats

Task states: BL = Blocked RE = Ready DE = Deleted  SU = Suspended

Task name                         State  Priority  Stack remaining  %CPU usage  Runtime
================================  =====  ========  ===============  ===========  =======
CLI                                  RE         1             2638            0        0
IDLE                                 RU         0              108            0        0
task-hear                            Bl         1              104            0        0
Tmr Svc


heap Shows heap size, remaining memory in the heap and the minimum heap size ever existed since power on. Note: See FreeRTOS documentation for more information. To understand each output of this command, take a look at FreeRTOS memory management.

#cmd: heap
Heap size            : 39300 bytes ( 38 KiB)
Remaining            : 24016 bytes ( 23 KiB)
Minimum ever existed : 23864 bytes ( 23 KiB)


clk Shows STM32 clock information.

#cmd: clk
Clock name           Hz       kHz       MHz
===========       ========  ========  ========
System clock      80000000     80000        80
APB1 peripheral   20000000     20000        20
APB2 peripheral   80000000     80000        80
APB1 timers       40000000     40000        40
APB2 timers       80000000     80000        80


ticks Shows FreeRTOS tick count in ticks and run time in seconds.

#cmd: ticks

Tick rate: 1000 Hz
Ticks: 2852
Run time: 2.852 seconds

Pwm set frequency and set duty

pwm-f sets a new frequency in Hz.

pwm-d sets a new duty of a giving timer and channel. Duty cycle must be between 1% and 100%.

pwm-f command

RTC set and get time

rtc-s Sets a new time in 24hr format. Example: Set time to 12:0:0.

#cmd: rtc-s 12 0 0

Time (24hr format) set to: 12:0:0

rtc-g Gets the current time stored in RTC time registers. Example:

#cmd: rtc-g

Time (24hr format): 12:1:51


version Shows the current console version. Example:

#cmd: version


Console software architecture

Software architecture

API documentation with Doxygen

There is documentation for every function in this project, Doxygen (documentation generator) was used to generate a PDF report sw_docs_doxygen.pdf that can be found in docs folder.

Doxygen also generates a HTML format that can be open from a web browser HTML.