COVIDATA -> An app to help people

App by -> Technoholics

Globally, new virus was causing pneumonia-like illness and continues to wreak havoc as the figure of infected people crossed a million. So here, An Android Application that can illustrate and analyze the situation at different places using maps and graphs. Common queries related to coronavirus or COVID-19 like symptoms, precautions, etc. are solved by the chatbot. Information regarding government policies and essential contacts are also provided.

Working of App -> COVIDATA

Step 1- Open the app in your android phone.

Step 2- After the splash screen, we have screen contain following functions-



It contains all the information about corona cases world/ country wise. Information link-


It embedded a map (worldwide/our country map) that visualise all the stats about COVID-19 cases across globe by marking a circle on countries.Just click on circle and get the stats. Information link: For worldwide @ and for India @


It embedded a chatbot which is developed using dialogflow .It answers all the queries and information about COVID-19. Just click on it and say a "Hello", it will give you a menu that contains all the COVID-19 related general questions. BOT link: @

Risk Level:-

It indicates the risk level across your region. Information Link:


It contains all the precautions from COVID-19 or Coronavirus. Information Link:


It contains all the helpline numbers of government of INDIA.


It contains privacy and policy options, about the App option, Contact option and myths about coronavirus in myth busters.