
The idea is to represent an image with gaussians of colors. Each gaussian has then 8 attributes - mean_x, mean_y, cov_xx, cov_xy, cov_yy, color_r, color_g, color_b. The contribution of each gaussians at any pixel location are then summed up to obtain the final color at that pixel. e.g. the color of the pixel at location r, c is given by the following formula:

`\sum_{i=1}^{N} exp(([r, c] - mean_i)cov_i^(-1)([r, c] - mena_i)^T) * color_i

where N is the number of gaussians.

This way an image of resolution 128X128 can be expressd with just 400 gaussians. This is about 15X compression. The hope then is that this representation can be used by VITs that are much smaller to perform tasks like classification, segmentation etc.


We converted the CelebA dataset to this representation and trained a VIT on it. The results are not promising. The vanilla VIT which is termed uniform VIT in the config file here achieves 90% validation accuracy. The VIT trained on gaussian representation achieves only 85.88% accuracy. This is a significant drop. The VIT trained on gaussian representation is able to overfir but seems to struggle to utilize the covariance information.