
A Vue.js wrapper component for jquery datatable.

Primary LanguageVue


npm version

vue-js-datatable is wrapper vue package of datatables.net


npm install --save @parthfaladu/vue-js-datatable

Or using yarn

yarn add @parthfaladu/vue-js-datatable -dev

For Installing plugin import vue-js-datatable in your component page.

import VueJsDatatable from "@parthfaladu/vue-js-datatable";
export default {
  components: {


Please note that this package depends on jQuery and jquery.dataTables.js, but you won't need to add it to your project manually, vue-js-datatable will handle this for you automatically if this dependencies are not detected.


For styling of the table import datatable css file.

Basic Usage

You can pass an array of fullclendar objects through the props

<VueJsDatatable :url="url" type="post" :columns="columns" @gaction="onAction">
import VueJsDatatable from '@parthfaladu/vue-js-datatable';
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
        columns: [
          {data:'id', name:'id' , width:"100px"},
          {data:'name', name:'name' , width:"300px"},
          {data:'city', name:'city' , width:"200px"},
          {data:(data) => {
		return "<button class='btn btn-outline-alternate' data-g-action='view' data-g-actiondata="+data.id+">Edit</button>";
	  }, name:'action', width:"150px"}
	url: 'https://example.com/api/v1/get/user'
  methods: {
    onAction(action) {
	if(action.action === 'view') {
		console.log('view button click.');


Name Type Default Description
columns Array [] Table all columns
url String null Ajax request url
type String 'GET' Ajax request type
searching Boolean true Feature control search (filtering) abilities
lengthChange Boolean true Feature control the end user's ability to change the paging display length of the table
paging Boolean true Enable or disable table pagination
ordering Boolean true Feature control ordering (sorting) abilities in DataTables
className String '' Table class names
serverSide Boolean true Feature control DataTables' server-side processing mode
headers Object {} Ajax request headers
order Array [] Initial order (sort) to apply to the table


Name Description
gaction In button define data-g-action='view' attribute and on button click this event will be emitted