
This is a Command Line Interface Portfolio built with Ink.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Command Line Interface Portfolio built with Ink. This CLI Portfolio is available as an NPM package here.


  • NodeJS, a JavaScript run-time engine
  • NPM above version 5.2.0, a packet manager for Node
    • Verify that npm is correctly installed by running npm -v

Installing and viewing the portfolio

  • Run the following command to install cli-parthiv on your system with npm
$ npm install --global cli-parthiv
  • Run the CLI directly with npx by running
$ npx cli-parthiv

Running the CLI

  • Run the CLI with the --help option to see the options available
$ cli-parthiv --help
    $ cli-parthiv

  	--gradient  gradient-name which can be mind, fruit, morning or passion. The default gradient is cristal.

    $ cli-parthiv --gradient=mind
  • Or just run the CLI with cli-parthiv to see the portfolio with the default options


The CLI portfolio is best viewed on a terminal window size of (at least) 140 columns by 40 rows