
Create a set of classes in Swift to represent a simple banking system. This code is used to demonstrate your understanding of inheritance, method overloading, method overriding, computed properties, initializers, and deinitializers.

Primary LanguageSwift

Simple Banking System in Swift


The objective of this assignment is to create a set of classes in Swift to represent a simple banking system. This will demonstrate your understanding of inheritance, method overloading, method overriding, computed properties, initializers, and deinitializers.

Assignment Details

Classes to Create

  1. BankAccount
  2. SavingsAccount (inherits from BankAccount)
  3. CurrentAccount (inherits from BankAccount)


BankAccount Class


  • accountNumber: String
  • balance: Double (computed property)


  • Designated initializer that takes accountNumber and initialBalance.


  • deposit(amount: Double)
  • withdraw(amount: Double) (virtual method to be overridden in subclasses)


  • Print a message indicating the account is being closed.

SavingsAccount Class

Inherits from:

  • BankAccount

Additional Properties:

  • interestRate: Double


  • Designated initializer that takes accountNumber, initialBalance, and interestRate.


  • applyInterest()
  • Override withdraw(amount: Double) to impose a condition: withdraw only if balance remains above a minimum limit ($100).

Computed Properties:

  • balance to include interest.

CurrentAccount Class

Inherits from:

  • BankAccount

Additional Properties:

  • overdraftLimit: Double


  • Designated initializer that takes accountNumber, initialBalance, and overdraftLimit.


  • Override withdraw(amount: Double) to allow overdraft up to the overdraftLimit.

Computed Properties:

  • balance to reflect the effective available balance considering the overdraft.


  1. Implement all required classes and methods.
  2. Demonstrate method overloading by creating a method statement in BankAccount that shows account details with different formats.
  3. Provide an example of how these classes would be used in a main program.