
An User Authentication System that will allow users to Login via Email/Phone and Password combination and receive a short lived Access Token that will allow them to access some authenticated routes in other services.

Primary LanguageGo

An User Authentication Service that will allow users to Login via Email/Phone and Password combination and receive a short lived Access Token that will allow them to access some authenticated routes in other services (these services are out of scope of this project but think about the use cases).


Features to be implemented

  1. Registration - optional, can go with already populated Users in DB. If you decide to go for it, mock any verification process ex. Email/Phone Verification
  2. Login
  3. Access & Refresh Tokens - upon successful login User will receive an Access Token(short lived) and a Refresh Token(relatively long lived, can be used to avoid forcing the user to login each time an Access Token expires).
  4. JWT tokens are preferable.
  5. Verify Token - endpoint to verify an Access Token. Verified Access token will return the User's profile, role, permission etc.
  6. New Access Token - endpoint to acquire a new Access Token using the Refresh Token generated upon Login.

Service Diagram


Run Instructions

Dockerize services running ports

Service Type Docker Port Host Port
authsvc Web 8080 8080
authdb Database 3306 3320
tokencache Cache 6379 3321
smtpmock Mail Server 1025 1025
smtpmock Web UI 8025 8025

Postman collection and Endpoints

Import the url (https://www.getpostman.com/collections/f4dc6a39771cb8945120) into Postman to get the API collection. Please follow the link to know more.

Check the endpoints here

Pre-populated data

Following Users, Roles and their permissions will be added to AuthDB on docker-compose up


No Email Password Roles
01 admin.user@testmail.com _LaRa08CRoft Admin
02 author.user1@testmail.com _GOllum#! Author
03 reader.user1@testmail.com bUfo_MelanOst!ktus Reader

Roles and permissions

No Roles Permissions
01 Admin GetPost, AddPost, UpdatePost, DeletePost
02 Author GetPost, AddPost, UpdatePost
03 Reader GetPost