Aerodyne (aerodyne)

A Quasar Powered Real-time Messaging App

This project uses pnpm as the package manager

Install pnpm (Node.js >= v16.13)

# Node.js >= v16.13
corepack enable

# Run this command if you are using Node.js < v16.17,
# check latest version at
corepack prepare pnpm@<version> --activate
# If you are using Node.js >= v16.17, you can use the following command
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate

Install pnpm (Using npm)

npm install -g pnpm

Install the dependencies

pnpm install

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

pnpm run dev-pwa

Lint files

pnpm run lint

Format the files

pnpm run format

Build the app for production

pnpm run build-pwa

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.config.js.