
Django integration of VR Payment

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django VR Payment Copy + Pay

Implementation of VR Payment Copy + Pay. The following doc explain how to set up the VR Payment Copy + Pay base tutorial.

Quick start

  1. Add "django_vr_payment" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::

    INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_vr_payment', ]

  2. (optional) Include the vr-payment URLconf in your project urls.py like this::

    path('vr-payment/', include('django_vr_payment.urls')),

  3. Run python manage.py migrate to create the vr-payment models.

  4. Prepare a checkout:

    from django_vr_payment.wrapper import VRPaymentWrapper
    vr_payment_wrapper = VRPaymentWrapper()
    basic_payment = vr_payment_wrapper.create_checkout(amount=<Decimal>, payment_type=<VRPaymentBasicPayment.PAYMENT_TYPE>, merchant_transaction_id=<UNIQUE_ID>)
    # the checkout_id for the VR Payment Copy&Pay form can be obtained through `checkout_id`
    checkout_id_for_forms = basic_payment.checkout_id
  5. Pay via a payment form of your choice. A working example can be seen in VRPaymentBasicCheckoutView

  6. Get the payment status:

    On return to VR_PAYMENT_SHOPPER_RESULT_URL_NAME, the app tries to get the status of a checkout object. You can also query VR Payment yourself:

    from django_vr_payment.models import VRPaymentBasicPayment
    from django_vr_payment.wrapper import VRPaymentWrapper
    vr_payment_wrapper = VRPaymentWrapper()
    basic_payment = VRPaymentBasicPayment.objects.get(checkout_id=<CheckoutID>)
    # get 'initial' status querying the checkout api
    payment_status = vr_payment_wrapper.get_checkout_status(basic_payment)
    # or query transaction api either by vr_payment_checkout.payment_id or vr_payment_checkout.merchant_transaction_id
    payment_status = vr_payment_wrapper.get_transaction_by_merchant_transaction_id(basic_payment)

Copyright and license

Copyright 2020 Particulate Solutions GmbH, under MIT license.