Batched Cholesky Decomposition

Link to Dataset:

Link to Report:

Make commands for Part A

For Right looking

make right_partA input_file=mat_256.txt output_file=output.txt

For Left looking

make left_partA input_file=mat_256.txt output_file=output.txt

For Top looking

make top_partA input_file=mat_256.txt output_file=output.txt

Make commands for Part B

For Right looking Chunked

make right_chunked input_file=dataset_part_B/num_1024_dim_20.txt output_file=output.txt

For Right looking Interleaved

make right_interleaved input_file=dataset_part_B/num_1024_dim_20.txt output_file=output.txt

For Left looking Chunked

make left_chunked input_file=dataset_part_B/num_1024_dim_20.txt output_file=output.txt

For Left looking Interleaved

make left_interleaved input_file=dataset_part_B/num_1024_dim_20.txt output_file=output.txt

For Top looking Chunked

make top_chunked input_file=dataset_part_B/num_1024_dim_20.txt output_file=output.txt

For Top looking Interleaved

make top_interleaved input_file=dataset_part_B/num_1024_dim_20.txt output_file=output.txt

For Cleaning all the excutables file

make clean

Format of Input File for partA

First Line: Size of Matrix
Rest all Lines: Elements of the Matrix in Row Major Format

Format of Input File for partB

First Line: Number of Matrices
Second Line: Size of Matrix
Rest all Lines: Elements of the Matrix in Row Major Format