
Coordination between Patient, Doctor and Hospital.

Primary LanguagePython

A comprehensive hospital management system


  • To create a hospital management system that simplifies multi-hospital control and registration for founders.
  • To implement role-based access control for efficient administration, appointments, and prescription management.
  • To enhance user experience with a user-friendly interface and comprehensive medical test and medicine lists.
  • To ensure data security and scalability while encouraging community contributions for ongoing development.

Table of Contents


The "Multi-Vendor Hospital Management" project is a robust and versatile hospital management system designed to streamline and enhance the operations of healthcare institutions, doctors, and patients. With multi-vendor support, user roles, and an array of features, this system offers a comprehensive solution for managing hospitals, appointments, and medical data.


  1. Clone the repository:
  git clone https://github.com/Parvez49/Multi-Vendor-Hospital-Management.git
  1. Create a Virtual Environment and install Dependencies:
       python -m venv venv
       pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run Migrations: Make sure your postgres database environment settings in .env:
      # Postgres Database
    Now migrate:
      python manage.py makemigrations
      python manage.py migrate
  3. Start the development server:
      python manage.py runserver
  4. Note: Your project should run successfully. However, you might encounter issues if Redis and Celery servers are not running as per the environment settings. Configure Redis and Celery settings in the .env file:
      # Celery 
      # Cache
    To start the Redis server:
    To start the Celery worker and Celery beat (both in separate terminals):
          # Make sure your terminal location is where manage.py is located
          celery worker: celery -A Multi_Vendor_Hospital_System worker --loglevel=info
          celery beat: celery -A Multi_Vendor_Hospital_System beat